Part 9

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Dua pushed me against the kitchen counter with my back still facing her. I deserve every bit of this. She came close to my neck and I felt her breath on my neck. It sended shivers down my spine.

Dua leaned in and I heard the front door open. I pushed her back with my body and she understood. She went back to the tea and I went over to the door. It was my mom.

Y/n: Hi mom I thought you already left?
Mom: Yess but I forgot my laptop. Will you quickly go get it?
Y/n: Yeah no problem.

I ran upstairs and grabbed her laptop. I placed it in her bag and a paper fell out. It was adoption papers. It was my adoption papers. I started to cry and went down stairs. The paper was in my one hand and the laptop in my other. My mom knew immediately when I came downstairs.

Y/n: Care to explain?
Mom: Y/n hunny...
Y/n: You know what I don't even want to hear it. Screw you.

I placed the laptop down and ran upstairs crying. I locked myself in my room and cried in my pillow. My mom knocked on the door but I ignored her.

Mom: Y/n I really have to go. We wanted to tell you but we didn't find it necessary cause we see you as our own. Il give you some time to collect yourself. I have to leave, we will talk about this when I get back.

She left and I heard Dua knock but I didn't budge to open it. Instead I got dressed and grabbed my car keys. Yess I keep my Keys in my room. I also grabbed hailee's house keys and climbed down from my balcony. I ran for the garage and got into my car. I then sped off. I started to cry badly that I can't even see the road. I need to calm down before I get into a accident. I calmed down a bit and went to hailee's house. I opened the gate and drove inside. I then closed the gate and rushed to rain. He saw me and came running to me. He met me at the fence and I jumped on him bare back. We then ran off into the distance.

Dua pov

Y/n is not answering me. I'm worried about her. Her mother told me that she just found out that she is adopted and that must be hard on her. I heard her car and looked out the window. She sped off very quickly! Is she trying to kill herself!? I ran to my car after locking the house up and drove after her. She lost control of the car for a second but got it under control. I stayed behind her but from a distance. She is going to hailee's and when she drove in I parked my car just down the street. I ran to make the gate before it closed. I hid by the gate and I saw her crying while running to rain. He ran to her and she jumped on him before they took off. She left the keys on top of her car and I took them. I opened the house and then I went to the stables. I saddled snowman and got on him. Y/n needs me right now and il be there for her. I took of with snowman after y/n.

Y/n pov

Rain galloped until in the woods. I was on the path me and Dua took. One thing that she doesn't know about this path is that it has a secret waterfall. Hailee told me about it over text. I'm on my way there to clear my head. Rain got spooked at something moving in the bushes Infront of us. I saw the head of a white horse and rain got mad. Rain is very overprotective of me and decided to chase this wild stallion. We were chasing the stallion until it got caught in mud. Rain was more relaxed after I talked with him.

Dua pov

I'm on the path that me and y/n took in the woods and I can't find her. I saw some fresh horse tracks and I decided to follow it.

Y/n pov

The horse was scared and I decided to call Hailee.

Hailee: Hi y/n.
Y/n: Hailee how many white horses do you guys own?
Hailee: Only one why?
Y/n: I found a wild stallion and rain chased it into the mud. It's stuck now.
Hailee: Do I need to send someone over?
Y/n: No il get him out.
Hailee: We have never had a wild stallion on our yard. Maybe he was abandoned by his herd.
Y/n: Hailee....

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