Part 25

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Just then Dua came out to check up on us.

Duas pov

I saw the way Anya and abi looked at each other. Abi had a murder look in her eyes. Anya's look was more fright than mad. You can tell she is scared of abi but why?

Y/n saw this too and took Anya out. So I decided to talk to abi about it. I called her away from the table.

Dua: What's going on with you two?

Abi: Nothing. She is just always spreading rumours about me cause she is afraid I am taking her place.

Dua: Il talk to y/n about this and also hear what Anya said to her. We will fix this.

Abi: Only way to fix this is by chasing Anya away. Why the fuck did she come back. I thought I got rid of her.

Dua: Wait you?

Abi: Yeah she was a bad influence on y/n so I sended her parents a fake email about a new job that payed a lot. They accepted it and moved only to find out it wasn't true.

Dua: I'm speechless.

I wanted to talk y/n about abi cause this girl is serious trouble. I saw her outside with Anya. Anya looked mad and y/n nodded and agreed. I went outside to y/n.

Y/n pov

Y/n: Hey Dua.

Dua: Hi

Y/n: What's up?

Dua: I need to tell you something but don't get mad.

Anya: She usually gets mad 😂

Y/n: Tell me?

Dua: So Anya do you remember that job that your dad got. The one that made you move away?

Anya: Yeah that fake job that separated me and y/n. Wait how do you know about this? Was it you?

Dua: No no not me.

Y/n: Dua?

Dua: It was abi.

Y/n: WHAT!?

I immediately stormed inside. Neither Dua or Anya could stop me now. Maybe Hailee could if she tried hard enough. I was furious and went over to the table. I looked abi in the eyes and she knew she fucked up now.

Y/n: You and me on the roof now!

Abi: Fine.

Hailee: What's going on?

Sarah: Y/n?

Dan: Do I need to come with?

Y/n: Dan your coming with. Hailee you aswel. Sarah your staying with Chloe and Jay.

All three of them stood up and we left for the roof. I want to punch abi so bad but I don't want to make a scene. We reached the roof and Dan stood by the door. Hailee came with me.

Y/n: So wanna tell me and Hailee what you did to Anya. Also don't forget the part what your doing to me.

Hailee: You did something to Anya?

Abi: Yeah I gave them a fake job. Yess im only using y/n for money.

Hailee: You lying snake.

Y/n: Hailee calm down. This is what she wants out of us.

Dan opened the door for Dua and Anya. Dua immediately came over to me and so did Anya.

Y/n: Do you have any words you want to say to her Anya?

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