Part 16

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I took her over to Dua. Dua had just arrived back outside after showing Sarah where the room was.

Dua: Hi I'm Dua. It's nice to meet you nicolene.

Nicolene: Ah she knows my name. Y/n she knows my name!

Y/n: Yeah cause I told her Nico. Stay calm she is a normal human being 😂 Sorry Dua this one is a fan.

Dua: It's alright. She is gonna freak out more once we go inside 😂

Nicolene: Oh no y/n what have you done. You can't just dump me in a conversation with a celeb 😂

Y/n: Stay calm it will be fine. I know how bad your anxiety is and the moment you feel overwhelmed just come to me okay.

Dua: Yeah nicolene you have nothing to worry about. These people are chill. They are close friends of mine so you really don't need to worry about anything.

Nicolene: Thanks Dua.

Nicolene gave dua a hug and I smiled at them. We then went inside to the room. There was a bar, pool table, bowling alley, darts and cards. Nicolene stuck to my arm like a little child when we entered. Everyone was already busy with their own thing. Some were playing darts. Some were playing bowling and some were playing cards. I saw the pool table was open so I dragged nicolene there. Dua went over to Sarah.

Y/n: Pool calms you so let's just play and you can calm down a bit okay?

Nicolene: Yeah your right. Let's play pool.

What many people don't know is that I'm really good in pool. If I were to compete world wide I would be a champion. My parents just never allowed me to.

Y/n: You wanna go first or should I?

Nicolene: You can go.

Dua and Sarah stood next to the pool waiting for me to make a shot. So I made a perfect shot that placed three stripes in. Dua was mind blown. They came up to me the moment I moved away from the table to make room for nicolene to take a shot.

Dua: Hi y/n I want you to meet Sarah. Sarah this is the y/n I've told you about.

Y/n: It's so nice to meet you Sarah.

Sarah: Yeah it's nice to meet you. If you are playing with my friends heart il cut yours out and stuff it up your ass.

Dua: Sarah!

Y/n: It's fine Dua. Sarah I promise you I will never play with Duas heart. You have my word.

Nicolene: I'm sorry for ease dropping but what!? Y/n are you and Dua together?

Y/n: Not yet no unfortunately. Hopefully soon we will tie the knot.

Dua: Yeah very soon.

Nicolene: Why didn't you tell me girl?

Nicolene jumped me in a hug and Dua giggled. Sarah gave me a stare that she is disgusted by me. I swallowed and Dua didn't see the stare. I let Nicolene go and we continued the game. Sarah walked off to Billie and Dua stayed with us. Everytime I bent down Dua will come behind me. I think she was checking out my ass? Girl keep yourself calm it's probably nothing. I won the first game and we stopped to get drinks.

Hailee: Hi nicolene it's so nice to see you again.

Nicolene: Hiii Hailee. Long time no see.

Dua: These two know each other?

Y/n: Yeah we were together in highschool. We were also together in competing.

Dua: Good to know.

We are currently sitting at the bar and Dua pulled her chair closer to mine so that she can hold my hand under the table.

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