Chapter 6 - Throwback.3

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I'm wearing a black bustier, a black legging, a black simple blazer and a 6-inch black high heels. Another fun thing about this office is, I can wear casual outfits because Bella said that the boss wanted to make the office as "comfortable" and not "office-like" as much as he can. For my makeup, I choose a simple makeup that consist of powder, some easy eyeshadow look and a red lipstick. I let my hair curled then just let it be. Then, I take my bag and go to the kitchen for breakfast.

I know, shocking right? How that girl who.. only wears simple clothes now can wear makeup? Well, I am changing my self. From my clothes, apparance, everything. I'm not the stupid innocent Anastasia anymore.Now i'm the badass type of Anastasia.

I like to go to the club at weekends, get drunk, dance with some strangers, all of that. And yes, of course I do it with Bella's help. She is a bad ass really but yes I do love her so much. She's the one who made me this way. And truth to be told, I love this badass Ana more than the stupid innocent Ana.

"Hey sweetheart! Good morning! Oh my God! You look hot babe! Everyone will fall in love with you!" She said while kissing my cheek and hugging me.

"Hey Bells. Haha thanks Bells, you look hot too, by the way!" I said while kissing her cheek back.

After having a quick talk and breakfast,we quickly jump in Bella's mercedes and went for work. Work was fun. I met new friends and they all are very nice. Well, my days at London has always been great. The people, the city, everything, makes it so easy for me to love the life I'm living for. It's great, but it's not perfect.
Until, Edward Mason Cullen came and makes it perfect.


Author's note :
First of all, honestly I'm so annoyed by the fact this chapter is so short & the grammar sucks like crazy. I'm so sorry to all of you beautiful readers.
Second of all, thankyou for staying even though this book sucks.
Third, I love you all so much and I promise I'll try to edit this book slowly!

Thanks for all your support & love. It's nice to know some people are enjoying my work. Don't forget to like & comment the chapter! Xo



Edited : 11/6/18

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