Chapter 27 - Stuck between

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Author's note :
Hi guys just a quick word but really, for all of those who has vote the last chapter you guys literally made my day every single time I opened Wattpad app.

I open it like really regularly because everytime I see someone has vote my chapter a smile crept into my face!

Soooo, click the star button below and with that simple click you guys literally made my day. So share the love XO and nowww... Enjoy!

"Ssshhh Edward you are going to wake her really! It's just 7am and you can't wake Ana!" Someone says which I can say, the one that made me awake is her not Edward.

5 am? Wow so I have slept through the night?

"Alice, you are the one that is going to wake her ! Not me!" Edward says.

"Oh My, can you guys ever behave?! Ana is sleeping for God's sake! She will wake up because of you guys keep quarreling!" A girl voice says who I think is Esme.

"Mom, it's not my fault for God's sake! Edward is th one that is being noisy" Alice says.

Scared of mom now,don't we? I thought to myself.

"Oh Alice stop the whiny already! You are not even cute when you did that." Edward says back.

Oh oh, rude Edward is back. And soon, sassy Alice will come.

"Shut up you stupid." Alice said before she goes out of the room.

Wow, Edward 1 : Alice 0

Guessing it is the right time for waking up, I open my eyes and I see Edward looking at me with so much love and care in his eyes.

Aww, what a cute boyfriend he is.

"Ana? Are you awake? How are you feeling love?" Ed asks.

"Yup. Im feeling better and ready to mingle!" I say while chuckling a little.

"Good then, huh? Anyway, come here give ur boyfriend big hugs." He says while smiling and taking my hand to his.

"My pleasure, sir." I say back.

After saying that, last night memories come back.

Edward.... And Christian.

"Yes sir."

I used to say that to Christian... But now.. Edward has got the place, hasn't he?

Oh you, stupid heart! Stop making me remember every single memory with him! You will only get hurt, Ana.

"Ana? What are you thinking about? Me, being so handsome?" Ed asks me.

"Yeah, I'm thinking about how lucky I am to have an awesome fianceé like you." I say while giggling.

Suddenly, there is a knock on the door and BOOM. Christian Fucking Trevelyan Grey walks leisurely in his glory to the room.

Damn. He looks so hot in his grey suit with his blue tie. And of course with the way he confidently walks.

"Hi, Grey! Wow you've entered in a good time huh? Ana just woke up like... 5 till 10 minutes ago, I guess?"

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