Chapter 35 - I'm home!

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Sorry for the really slow update! Please vote so I know there's still people reading my story!

This chapter is dedicated for all my readers who had voted on my previous chapters and have been patient with me.

P.S Love you guys a lot and can't never thank you guys enough for ur support.

Recap ;

"I... I feel bad about doing this to Edward, you know. He has been nothing but.. A loving boyfriend, a great boyfriend, an understanding boyfriend. He is the perfect package. But.. Me? I'm not perfect. I.. I even do this to him. We are supposed to be engaged but here we are, me, dating two men because I simply can't choose between them. What am I doing, Bel?" I say knowing that I'm basically crying right now.

But I don't care anymore. Now that I said that, all the realisation are kicking. What am I doing, really? How can I do something like this .. To Edward? The perfect boyfriend? The one that fix me? Just because.. Christian said he wants another chance. How stupid of me! How can I do this to Edward? What will I say when I meet the Cullens?

Oh my God.... This is stupid. And bad. Real- real- real bad.

>>>>> Chapter 35 <<<<<

Waking up in the morning, I did not expect Bella screaming her ass off at I don't know who. Looking at the clock beside my bed, I gasped. It's 6 freaking am in the Sunday morning for God's sake! Is bella finally have gone real crazy? Walking out of the super-comfy bed, I go out to see something that shocked me real bad.

Bella, Christian, and Edward are screaming at each other. Oh my God. If this is a dream, please just let me wake up.

"Hi guys, good morning. What a nice morning huh? I got woken up by screamings and all." I say with sarcasm intended.

"Ana! Did we wake you?" Edward asks with pure shock on his face because of course he doesn't want to wake me.

"Absolutely. Do you even need to ask that?" Bella replies with piercing eyes to Edward.

"Stupid man." I hear Christian mumble.

"What did you say?" Edward replies with an annoyed look.

"Oh I just said you are a stupid man. And I have no idea how Ana ended up with you." Christian says with a relaxed expression.

"Stupid man? Please, I'm the one who is going to be Ana's fiancee not you. You are just one of her ex, Grey. Get over it." Edward says and I can see Christian is not happy with that.
Uh oh. I need to stop that before it turns into a more big problem while its just a simple, tiny problem.

"Guys, please stop it! You are an adult. Both of you. Can you guys just please be a mature adult here?" I say while looking at them both.

"Yeah well he's the one who started the fight. Not my fault!" Edward says while looking like he wants to kill Christian.

"Yeah well but I'm just stating the truth that you are stupid." Christian says with face that basically says it's not my fault.

"Guys, stop it. Please? I'm exhausted. I want to have a nice sleep. Is it that hard to ask for?" I ask them with I bet shaking voice.

"Yeah! You guys should just stop it. It is making me mad crazy." Bella says.

"I'm done doing this stupid argument. Anyway, Ana do you want to go eat breakfast with me?" Edward asks me. Of course I'm going to say yes. I'll never let food down.

"Sure! Wait let me change clothes ok?" I reply.

"Wait! Are you going to leave me here Ana? I came to ask you for breakfast too!" Christian says while grabbing my hand.

"Christian, the first one who asked me is Edward. So I'll go with Edward. I'm sorry." I said before letting his hand back to his side.
Before I got the chance to walk to my room, Christian already stopped me.

"That's perfectly okay Ana. But, how about after breakfast you can get ready and I'll pick you up at-" He take a look at his Rolex "11am? We can have lunch together and I would like to have a chat with you."

"Just a chat? You can do it here! Right now you are chatting, Grey." Edward says with his signature smirk.

"And maybe a date at night. What do you think, Ana? I think Elliot and Kate would like to meet you. We can have a meet up at The Luca. They serve awesome French food, and you love French food." Christian explains while looking at me with a soft look.

Hm, a date with my Christian and meeting Kate at night. That's an incredible idea.

Wait what? My Christian? God Ana, He is not yours and how can you said! My subconscious says, as normal.

"Ana? I'm waiting for your response here.." Christian says again. And at that time, I see something I've rarely seen. There's scared expression in his eyes. In his smoldering grey eyes. In his grey eyes that I love so much when he is being my dominant Christian.

My dominant, really?! Ana how many times I need to tell you he is not yours for God's sake!
My subconscious yell at me.

Ah, I forgot. It's feels nice to say Christian is mine. But hell, he was and is never mine.

"Um yeah sure. I look forward to lunch and meeting Kate and Elliot. It's been a long time since I met them." I say while smiling at him.

He looked shocked. I don't know why he looked shocked after I smile at him. I mean is it wrong that I smile at him?

"Ah yeah, of course. So I'll pick you at 11 am, yes?" he asked me with his super hot smile.

"Um ye-yeah. Of course. 11am it is. Oh! What clothes should I use? Casual? Fancy?" I asked back and curse my self for stuttering at the beginning.

"Casual. I'm going to be here at 11am sharp so don't be late, Ana. See you soon." Christian says while giving me his stern voice that he uses when he go all dominant.

Damn baby, my dominant is back, huh?

Author's note :
Hello guys! How are you all? Oh my God, its been a really long time since the last I updated and I'm very sorry for it.
I've been very busy with school, boys drama, family problems, and the current tv show that I'm watching right now. And also my ideas have been really dull right now so I can't write anything. #stupidexcuses
Anyway, now that Christmas is really near I think updating will be a lot easier since theres break and everything.
And guys oh my God, you won't believe it but I have so muuuuch to tell you. But I don't want to be annoying and say too much things in Author's note haha! So if you guys want to hear it, please please please comment below!!
Love u lotssss,

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