Chapter 31 - Damn, Busted!

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This chapter is dedicated for @EstherSmith503 and for everyone who had voted on my chapters!
Esther, I hope your surgery went well and I hope you are feeling better now.
P.S Love you guys a lot x

Recap ;

"Heartbreak? When did it happen, Bell?" Christian asked Bella.

Oh no, no. Just no!
Bella please say you don't remember please. I say without making any voice. And just my luck, Bella remembered it.

"The heartbreak? Hmm I think it happened in 2013?" Bella said and at that time, I know something worse than this will happen by looking at Christian's expression.

Damn, Bella!

>>>>> CHAPTER 31 <<<<<

"In 2013? What happened back then, Ana? Who is the jerk who broke your heart? You have never told me about this?" Edward asks me while chewing his dinner.

Ugh. What should I say?!
Yeah, in 2013. A guy named Christian Grey who is your best 'guy' friend broke my heart because apparently, I can't be the one he wants. I can't complete his needs and I'm not good enough for him. And there is also an unspoken rule that I can't fall in love with him but I do anyway. So we broke up.
Like that?! Of course no! It will be a mess if Edward even knows about the past. I can't even imagine the problems we will go through if I say that. Edward will have this 'awkward' situation with Christian, his best buddy because of me, a girl that has got her heart broken by Christian but is now currently in relationship with her soon to be fianceé, Edward who is Christian's best buddy.
Sounds great, huh?

"Uh-Uhm-Ughm.... No-Nothing special really. I-I-ju-just don't think it was important. It was just a stupid crush, really." I say while ticking my fingers on the table, clenching my leg together and also biting my lips, which basically means 'I'm nervous here!'. Stupid Ana keep making it so obvious to people.

"A stupid crush? Really, Ana?" Christian asked me and when I look at him, damn. I know this won't be good since he looks really mad at me.

"Oh, I'm glad then if it was just a stupid crush." Edward says while again, chewing his dinner.

"Stupid crush? Really, Ana? If it was just a stupid crush, I don't think you will be that sad. Isn't it, Ana?" Bella asks me while giving me her 'investigating' eyes.

"Bella Swan, you better close your mouth! You know that it wasn't like that! Stop making it a big problem when it was just a simple thing." I say while I think rolling my eyes since after I said that Christian give me a stern face.
You know, the look that says 'You better stop doing that' kind of look?

"Omg chill Ana! It's not like the 'heartbreaker' is hearing all of this. But guys, let me tell you this! The one who broke Ana's heart is seriously a jerk. I mean, why did he even breake an angel's heart?! She is perfect for God's sake! I bet he's regretting all things he had done, Ana!" Bella said while quoting the heartbreaker part.

Oh no, you don't know anything, Bella. And yes, the one who broke my heart is here, listening to our conversation intensively and if I may say, he is in front of you right now eating his dinner!

Oh My God, Bella is getting me frustated!

But you can't blame her though, I mean, she don't know who is the one who broke your heart, Ana! My sobconscious says to me.

Ugh, true. But what should I do now?! The situation will be very awkward if Christian ever asks me about 'it' and judging by his personality, he will ask me about it.

"Bella, lets just continue our dinner okay? Please? Lets just drop this topic." I said while giving her my 'you better stop this or I will kill you'. And luckily, she dropped the topic.

After the awkwardest dinner I have ever had, we decided to have some dessert that Bella had made which is a pan of Nutella Cheesecake and have a little chat. And thats the worst decision I've ever made tonight.

"So... Christian do you have any girlfriend? Or you know, a woman?" Bella asked Christian while taking a spoon of her cheesecake.

Uh oh, the question that I've been wondering too. He probably have it but won't say it to us, right? I mean, as long as I remember he don't want people know his 'weird' obsession of having a 'BDSM' relationship, right?

"Uhm.. No. I'm still into my... Uhm- hiw do I say this? A woman from my past that I can't forget?" Christian said while looking at me.

And my heart drop a beat that time. What does he mean by that seriously? He have another woman from his past after our accident, right? Of course! I mean what do I expect from him?
'Yeah Ana I haven't had any sexual intercourse with anyone after you because I am still into you." ?!
Ugh, why am I even thinking about this? This is stupid!

"A woman from your past which basically can be called as your ex? Damn Grey, I thought I teach you better! If you are still into her, go for her damn it!" Edward said to him, while now re-adjusting his position and focusing his attention to Christian.

"I'm working for it, Cullen. It's not like she's willing to give me another chance. But I won't give up anyway." Christian said with a final tone that no one can argue again.

And yes, because of that stupid conversation, I couldn't stay focus at all that night and keep wondering to what he said.
Who is the secret girl?
Who is the girl who Christian couldn't forget?

"Ana? Ana? Hello? Earth to Ana!" Bella says while looking at me with a curious look.

"Ah! Yeah what are we talking about again?" I say hoping they don't ask me about what I was thinking.

"Ana... Don't say you are thinking about the jerk who broke your heart?" Bella asks me with an accusing tone.

And after she said that, I can feel Edward and Christian looking at me. No, scratch that. They are burning holes in my face! And at that time, I know I messed up things.

Damn, busted!

Hi guys! So it's been a hell-a-long time since I updated a chapter and I'm soooo sorry for that! I'm entering Senior High School soon and I'm really nervous, lol! And oh yeah! Before I forget, I'm going to Beijing for 3 weeks or so, so I don't think there will be any updates and again, I'm sorry guys! Anyway, it would mean SOOOOO MUCH for me if you guys vote this chapter and comments! They are easy to do but they seriously motivate me to write better! Sooo, click that star and comments!
Love you guys sooo much,
Lizzy. Xo ❤️

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