Chapter 8 - Throwback.5

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I was alone until i hear 2 guys laughing.I look back and i see him.The one that help me with another guy that i guess was his friend.
"Ah well hello again.Looks like we met again?" The one that helps me said while smirking.
"You knows her?" The other said.
"Of course i know her,Jazz.But we're not knowing each other name because she was running late in the morning"
Oh,Jazz was his friend's name.
"Oh..So who is your name?" Jazz asks.
"Umm my name is Anastasia Steele.And how about yours?" I said
"You don't know him?Wow" The one that helps me ask.
"Umm no i don't know him...Is there something wrong about him?I'm new here so i don't really knows people.."
"Jasper.My name is Jasper,Ms.Steele" His friend said
"Oh..Well,hello Jasper.And please call me Ana" I said while smiling at Jasper.
"And yours?What is your name?" I ask at the one that helps me.
"Edward.My name is Edward,Ana" He said while smiling back at me.God his smile is so adorable that it makes me nervous.
I look at my watch and see 12.55PM.I don't think i was that long but yep i need to go back working.
"Umm i think i need to go back since lunch time almost over..See you guys" I said while giving my sweetest smile.
"Oh yea okay see you,Ana" Edward said while grinning at me and Jasper just nod.
I'm back at my sit and i was continuing my job until Katie,my friend said that the boss and his brother going to be visiting every department in the office.
They all excited and when i ask they just said that it was because they were handsome and also rich as fuck.But i don't really feel excited since what has happened with him before so i just nod at their explaination and continuing my work.
The door open and all of my friends was staring into the door with all of their mouth in perfect O-shape.
I stand then take a look at the door.
There was standing Edward and Jasper.
"Ah Ana,looks like we met again?" Edward said while slowly walk to me.
"Umm i think" I said then i look at all of my friends and all of them was staring at me with an open mouth.
So i guess,Edward and Jasper were brothers and one of them was the owner of London Publishing...
I stare at my leg and unconsiously biting my lip nervously.What did they want?Can't they just quickly leaves so i can relax?
"Do you want to go for a lunch?Since i think you don't eat anything for lunch.Jasper and i are going out for lunch so i think it will be nice if you also can come?" Edward asks.
"Ummm i don't think i can go out for lunch with you and Mr.Jasper since i need to work and lunch time is over,Mr.Edward" i said while biting my lips.
God why do I so nervous? I have never felt this way before...except when i'm spending my precious time with him.
"You can just call me Edward,Ana.And i think i can take care about it.Right,Jazz?" Edward said while giving his adorable smile.
Oh My Bad.I think i'm melting...
"Ummm yeah sure Si-i mean Edward" i said while showing my smile.
"Okay then! Lets go,shall we?" Edward said and i just give him a small smile while Jasper just nod.
Hey guys...soo how's ur day??And LONG CHAPTERRR YEAAAAAAYYY ❤️❤️❤️❤️
btw please,don't be a ghost reader :(
It's not that hard right for giving me reviews or whatever is it ... ;(
And btw you guys can check my other book named "BadBoy ; GoodGirl " or you can simply check it in my profile !:)
Love you guyss xx

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