Chapter 20 - Wide Awake

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"But sir, you are not allowed to stay here because we scared that something will happen. She need a lot of rest by the stress that she have."

"Well how can you just expect me to leave my Fianceé alone when she's sick?! I just can't do that. What if something happens to her?! Huh?!"

Uh Oh. What is all those mess about? Don't they know that I'm sleeping here? God, A girl need her beauty sleep!

Slowly, I opened my eyes and there, stood perfectly my Fianceé and a doctor who I recognised as Mr. Williams who is Cullen's family personal doctor.

"Uhm... Edward, what's happening here? Why are you guys having a fight? And the most important, what happened to me? Why am I in the hospital room?" I ask curious about the answers to my questions and about the fact they are both watching me when I was sleeping in the hospital room.

"Ana! Oh My God! You are awake! Oh my, Ana! Don't ever do that again to me, okay? You don't even know how worried I am!" Edward says quickly then hugging me and start giving me kisses everywhere.

"Yes I am, Ed. But Edward, as much as I love your kisses, you haven't answered my questions yet and I'm curious, Ed! " I say while giving him this pout in my lips.

"Oh no, my baby can't be sad now, can she? She's too precious to be sad because of me. And well, we are not fighting, okay? And you have been admited to hospital because you fainted at our engagement party, Ana. You think too much and it caused you stressed and well, your body can't handle all those stress and just gave up."

Me... fainted at our engagement party? Uh Oh.
This must be bad then. Then, suddenly my mind flash some memories. Oh no.

Oh my god, what will I say to Edward if he asks me why I was alone in the bathroom with Christian?!

This is crazy! What if he knows our past? I bet he will hate me so much if he knows that.

"Oh.. I don't really remember about it though. But hey Edward, I'm fine right now.So there's nothing to worry about." I say smiling and hoping that Edward won't ask for further information.

It's not that I don't remember or I'm lying, it's just that I think it is the best for now. I can't stand having a fight with Edward as soon as I woke up from my faint. I'll think about the best later on, then.

"You don't remember it? Oh no, Sir. Williams are you sure she is okay?! She forgot some memories! What else do you forget, Ana, baby? Do you even know who the hell I am? Do you even remember all our memories? Oh my this is bad." Edward says and I can clearly see the shock on his face and I do believe that right now he is thinking about all the bad possibilities.

Quickly, I reply what he said before his imagination go wild. "Uh.. I just don't remember why I fainted, Edward. And yes I do remember you. How can I forgot my fianceé? And no, I don't forget about our memories, Mr. Cullen. I remember perfectly everything that have happened okay? Keep calm, don't overthink things." I reply with the best calming and soothing voice I cam made right now.

"Yes Mr. Cullen. I believe Ms. Steele is perfectly okay and I guess it's just a shock for a minute or so because of what have happened or maybe she isn't want to remember it because something bad have happened. But else, I believe Ms. Steele is perfectly okay." The good doctor, Mr. Williams say back.

Good. He's not going to ask me to do some brain-thingy then. I'm so glad. If he asks me to do that, he will know that I'm just faking my problem.

Author's note.
A short update because i'm basically so busy right now! I'm so sorry guys. With school coming back, my assignments are lined up perfectly and I need to do all of them because school is back.
I'll try my best for updates and can you guys believe it?! It's 2016, Lovelies!
By the way, can you guys please let me know my lacks of writing because I'm hoping that on 2016, my writing abilities will be better.😊
Please tell me my lacks, my grammar error, and so-on.
Lastly, I hope you guys get a good year ahead and lovely memories to be made on 2016.
See ya!! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.
Lots of love, author. X

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