Chapter 14 - Feelings

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"Well... I guess you have,Mr.Grey. " I said, sadly.

What did I just say? Sadly?
Oh My, I think I'm getting crazy.
How can I keep feeling sad when I've known that from the time I left him.. He will move on?
And.. I also have moved on, right?
I ask myself trying to convice my own self.

"Grey. How could you leave me with those men? Ah, hello miss. Who are you?" Miranda asks with a warm smile

"Hello to you too, Ms..? . My name is Anastasia Steele and I'm Mr. Cullen's fianceé." I say, proudly.

After saying that, I can see the expression in Christian's eyes that looked like.... Sadness? Regret? Broken? But not even in 5 seconds all those emotions are went dull again.
There's nothing in his eyes.
And I do believe that I just hallucinating all those emotions in Christian's eyes because well.. Why did he have all that expressions when I clearly know better that he didn't love me.

Before Miranda has the chance to answer,Christian getting all the attention by coughing, simply says "Ms. Kerr, Let me introduce you too Ms.Steele. Ms.Steele, Ms.Kerr."

"Ah, nice to finally meet you, Ms.Steele." Miranda says with again, a smiley face.

"You too, Ms.Kerr.By the way, you can just call me Ana. " I reply with a smile

"Okay Ana. And of course you can also call me Miranda."

And.. There is it. That awkward moment again.

"Um.. Miranda? How about I introduce you to Mrs and Ms Cullen? You know, that famous interior designer and fashion designer?" I ask attempting to quit this awkward moment.

"Wait! You mean Ms. Alice Cullen as the most famous and talented fashion designer in London?! And Mrs. Rosalie Cullen as the most talented furniture designer in London?!" She screams with awe in her eyes and also getting attention from everyone.

"Yes, Miranda. Anyway,how about we start walking right now?" I ask, tempting to go out from this awkward moment.

"Yes, Of course, Ana. Christian, I'll be back,okay. Let's go, then, Ana? " She asks with a really happy face.

"Of course, let's go, shall we?" I ask and start walking to the place where dessert are placed amd where Cullens family standing right now.

Hello guys!
I know this is very short and i'm so sorry for the short chapter but right now I kind of have this mess situation and well... I don't have enough time to do all my assignments and also my exams just started today.
I'll try my best for updating and I hope all of you understand my situation rightnow.
And please , don't forget to vote and comments, lovelies!
Yours sincerely

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