Chapter 40 - What I've been waiting for

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This chapter is dedicated for all those people who has been feeling very tired with their life but still tries their best. Remember, everything will be better later on. Just hang on, lovelies. Ily. X

P.S Love you guys a lot x

Recap ;

"What? Are you not mistaken? Are you serious? Ana, do not joke about this. You are a serious matter for me and I won't accept any joke about this matter." He says while holding my face so I can see him and he can see me.

I'm nervous. He's looking straight to my eye. I'm feeling butterflies inside my stomach.

"I'm not. But if you really doesn't want me to have this decision, then sure. I'll think it over again." I say while hiding my smile.

"What are you saying now, Ana? Of course I want this decision to be real. This is what I've been waiting for years, Ana." He says with that super cute smile on his face.

Chapter 40 - What I've been waiting for

"So.. what's our plan?" I ask Christian while sipping my wine.
"What plan?" He asks back while still looking at me.
"Plan for today, of course." I say while walking towards the window.
"We're going to eat lunch, and meet Elliot & Kate."
"What? They're in London?" I gasp. It's been so long since I met Kate and I think she'll be mad at me. I mean it's partly my fault too since I always ignore her texts and calls and not too long after that I changed my number without telling her. But in my defense, I did it because I'm scared Christian will find out where I am but now.. here I am with Christian.
"Earth to Ana! What's on your mind, baby girl?" Christian asks snapping me out of my trace.
"Oh yeah sorry. What are you saying?" I ask while shaking my head hopping it will clear my head.
"Elliot and Kate are flying to London. They're going to arrive at 1pm and they'll be meeting us at The Luca. And believe me that I would love to chat more with you, but we gotta get ready. The journey there will take 1 hour or so. And its 11pm now." He says while still looking at me.
"Oh, I should get ready shouldn't I?" I ask him. I have this weird feeling.. like I'm excited to meet Kate & Elliot, I really do but I'm also scared. What if she's angry because I just gone ? And believe me when Kate's angry.. she's scary. Like very scary.
"I guess? But it's your choice though. I mean if you just come like this I won't complain. You are prettier without makeup anyway." Christian says while smiling. With this loving look?
"Oh, flattering won't get you anywhere, Mr. Grey." I tell him with I bet my blushing face.
"Oh believe me that it's the truth, Ms. Steele." He says while staring at me and giving me his cute smile.
"Well.. I'm going to go home and get ready then. And so do you, Mister. So see you soon?" I ask.
"Sure. Lemme drop you off?"
"Nope. No need. I bring my car here."
"Oh, too bad. Taylor would love to drop you off. He misses you. I'll pick you up later at 12?"
"Taylor misses me? Wow. That's shocking. Yeah. 12 is okay for me."
"Of course he misses you. He keeps talking about how I'm such an idiot to let you go. But of course he never said it in front of my face. He said it to Grace, Carrick, Elliot and even Mia. Which is kinda stupid because they also told me the same thing every single time they see me."
"Aw I miss them too! They're such a great person. I would love having their company."
"I can arrange some dinner if you want. How about tomorrow?"
"Of course I want. I miss them! Sure. Why not tonight though? U busy?"
"Hell yeah I'm busy. This is the first night I have you as my lover, Anastasia."
"As your lover? Hm I thought I'm Ed's fiancee?" I say while smirking a little.
"You know damn well that it's not true and you're mine, Anastasia Steele."
"Probably. Who knows? You never ask for my hand in the relationship anyway."
"Be my girlfriend then."
"Grey.. that's not the right way to ask someone to be your girlfriend don't you think?"
"Be my girlfriend Anastasia. Be my lover. Be the person I can rely on. The one I can share my thoughts and dreams. Be my lover, Anastasia. You have my heart. Now I'm asking the permission to have your heart. Will you give it to me?"
What he said.. leaves me speechless. He makes me speechless. Never have I thought this day will come. I have his heart. That's the words I've been waiting for since the first time I met him.
"Oh Christian.. of course. Of course I'll give you the permission to have my heart. You have had it since the first time I met you, Christian." After saying that, I kiss him and it feels like I'm alive. There is no butterfly because what I feel is more than that. It feels like I'm floating and there's a damn world in my stomach.

# 6 months later

The past 6 months have been very beautiful for me. The journey of Christian and I keep going and I couldn't be happier. Yes, we have problems. Lots of it, but we fix it as soon as possible.

If someone tell me 7 months ago that my life will be like this, I'll probably tell them to go to a physiologist because it is impossible. But, my life has been changing 180 degrees in the past 6 months. From being engaged to Edward, until now being the girlfriend of Christian.

For Edward, he's now in a relationship with Bella. Their relationship is going very strong and little do I know that all these time Bella has been having a little crush on him.

Kate and Elliot is engaged, with 2 weeks until marriage. And.. I get the role of being the bridesmaid. I can't be happier, really. Those times I spent apart from her just bring me closer with ther than ever.

3 weeks after the breakup, I arrange a dinner for Edward's family, Ed, Bella, Kate, Christian's, and mine. I thought it will be very weird, but no. We literally skip the awkward part and I feel super happy that everything is fine. Ed's family love Bella as much as they love me, and Christian's love me too. They're super attentive and very lovely towards me.

Last night, Christian and I went for a visit to this new flower garden in Seattle. It is supposed to be one of the biggest garden in the world. And Christian being one of the biggest shareholders, he get to ask them to transform the place into a five stars restaurant. When we arrived there, a waitress give us our table and suddenly, Christian was kneeling down with a black box in his hand. When he opened it, there is this beautiful diamon ring, and he said "Anastasia, you told me what you wanted are flowers and hearts. You have my heart already, and now there are at least 1000 kind of flowers in here. It's not easy for us to reach this far, but we are here anyway. Now, if you want me to make a speech about how beautiful and how grateful I am with our love story, I will. But let's cut the chase because I can't wait to call you as my Fiancé. So Anastasia, will you marry me?" He asks and hearing all of that, I jump with happiness and kiss him until I hate the fact that we are humans and we need to breath.

But here it is. The ending of our love story. It's not as perfect as the movies, but for me, this is enough. He is mine, and I am his. And I couldn't be happier. We'll be having lots and lots of problems in the future, I know but I also know that we'll fix it because that's just how we are. We have problems, and we'll fix it. And that's our love story. Unique, with all the ups and downs, and I couldn't ask for something better.


Author's note :
THAT'S IT YOU ALL!!! I know its been so long since the last I have an update and I am very sorry about it. But it's just I have no idea at all in my mind and I've been very busy! Not to mention I need to catch up assignments that worth a week job for 2 days because of my quick getaway.

But people.. here it is!! The final of our story. Thankyou for all the votes, the comments and the loves. I can't be happier. Thanks you all!!
And please do know I love you all :)
Please look forward to more of my works! ❤️

E.H // Dec, 14th, 2017.

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