Chapter 33 - Telling The Truth

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This chapter is dedicated for @esthersmith503 , @trujillos6 , @sharisimmons and @wellspringoflife for everyone who had voted on my chapters!

P.S Love you guys a lot x

Recap ;

"Um.. What's happening here? What do you mean by come back to you? What do you need to figure out?" I hear a familiar voice say whose owner I believe is my own cousin, Bella.

Shock quickly come through me and I quickly push him away. Looking through the door, I feel more shock come. There, standing with wrinkle in their fore-head, Bella and Edward.

No. No. No. This is not happening!

Oh God, if this is a dream, I want and I need to wake up right now, please!

>>>>> CHAPTER 33 <<<<<

"So? Care to finally explain what has been happening to us?" Edward finally says and just broke up the awkward-ness developing around us.

"E-Ed-Edward! What did you guys hear? I.. W- We can explain everything!" I say looking at Bella and Edward.

"Well.. We hear things that is enough for us to conclude something that you probably won't like.. Ans." Bella replies.

Ugh. If the situation is not like now, I would probably throw a fit at her for calling me Ans. For fuck's sake, I have like 6 weird nicknames all made by her!

"No.. You can't conclude anything.. It- it IS not complete for you to conclude anything.." I say shaking my head and again, tears after tears keep flowing out from the tip of my eyes.

Great, now I look more pathetic then I look before. Says my sobconscious.
Oh, for fuck's sake! Shut up for a minute will ya?! Says my sobconscious 2

WAIT WHAT?! Am I having a battle inside my own body? Oh, I'm probably getting crazy here.

"Ana.. Ana! Oh my God! Ana! Calm down! Take a breath!" I feel someone screams at me while the others looking at me like I've grown 2 heads.

By others I mean Christian, Edward, Bella, and I in the living room again with our nutella cheesecake. The only thing different is now the awkward-ness developing around us.

Looking at Christian in the eyes, I can clearly see that he is in no point of explaining our situation to Edward. He's just sitting there, chilling while eating his nutella cheesecake.
Uh Oh. Curse him to can be that calm. And here I am, a freaking mess. Shaking feet, trembling hand, sweat that just start developing and I bet I'm biting my lips right now.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" Edward asks again and I realise he's angry. Oh, this is not good! I've been in a relationship with Edward for years and I've never see him this angry!

"U-Ug-Ugh Christian is my U-Uh friend with um benefits!?" I scream all loud out without releasing since I'm so nervous and so scared.

"U-Uu-Uhhmm.. I mean my ex boyfriend! Ya know, we used to be in a relationship and all until we no its me actually who realise that our relationship is not healthy and-uhm I'm not good enough for him since I can be his uhm-u-sub and yeah!" I say all at once again.

Oh no, this is bad! I know I'm not supposed to say that by looking at all their expression's. They are looking at me like I just said I'm pregnant by a vampire for God's sake!

"Wait.. What? What are you saying? Is Christian the jerk who broke your heart into pieces, Ana?!" Bella says or should I say scream.

After hearing Bella said that, I can feel Edward is staring at me with those eyes that basically say " Tell me, Tell me the truth, Ana!"
Inspite of the awkward-ness in the room, Christian can still enjoy his nutella cheese-fucking-cake! Can he be at least act like he wants to explain our condition to them?!

"Um... How do I say this? I met Christian a few years back when I interviewed him for my university's magazine. My friend who supposed to be the one that was interviewing him was sick, so I got to be the one that interviewed him. After that... Um.. This just go on and Christian and I got into some stupid re- um I mean fling." I say nervously and hitting my head silently because I almost said relationship when I'm the one that know better Christian is not going to have any relationship. Not with me anyway.

"Oh.. And then you moved to London to forget him, got engaged with Edward, and then met him again, and he asked you to come back to him?" Bella says while cutting a slice of cheesecake.

"Uh... You can say it like that." I mutter while looking everywhere except their eyes.

"Oh, so do you still have feelings for Christian, Ana?" Edward asks finally.

"What? Ugh of course no, Ed!" I say too quickly. After saying that, I feel something in my chest.

Do I still have feelings for Christian? Have I moved on perfectly? Can I move on and forget Christian?

"Oh, good then. How about you, Christian? Do you still have feelings for my fianceé?" Edward asks while making a protective tone on 'my'

"Yes, I do. I miss Ana and I would like Ana to give me another chance." Christian says while looking at me with his loving tone.

"Well, Ana doesn't have any feelings for you so I doubt she will give you another chance." Edward replies cockily.

"Guys, stop it! You should let Ana be the one that decide will she give Christian another chance or not. So, what do you want Ana?" Bella says while holding my hand.

At that time, my brain has decided easily that I'm not going to give any chance for Christian. But how about my heart? My heart won't let go the memories of Christian and I. My heart still aches everytime I remember about me, can't complete Christian's needs and all. Now, Christian is finally the one who wants to have another chance. Shouldn't I give him another chance for our memories? Shouldn't I at least take another shot so I won't regret anything? But... How about Edward? I can't hurt Edward.. At any point. He... He has been nothing but being my loving boyfriend. He supports me, he cares about me, and he loves me.

What should I do?
I know everyone right now would say that Christian is no good for me.. But the heart wants what it wants, right?


Hi guys! Awee how are you all?! I hope you are blooming and have an amazing summer break!
Summer has been amazing for me since I've got the chance to visit 2 beautiful countries! But now, school is back and here I am, a first year in high school! I'm so excited for shs! Any tips?

Anyway, I just want to say that I'm really lucky to have you guys who still support me despite of my rare-ness of updating. I love you guys the most. X

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