Chapter 25 - The News

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"Um... The truth is, you have temporary memory loss, Ana. But it's okay, you don't need to feel stressed about it since it's just temporary, okay?" Alice quickly says.

Me... Having memory loss?

Please remember that it's temporary, Steele.
My sobconscious say.

Yeah, I mean, me.. Having temporary memory loss?

"Ana, Calm down. It's okay, you'll be okay. You believe me, right?" Edward asks

"Yes, of course I believe my going to be fianceé, Edward." I say while rolling my eyes.

Of course I believe Edward.
Why would I want to be his fianceé if I don't trust him?

"But Ana, did you by any chance have met Christian before? You look like you know him." Emmett says

Damn you, Emmett.
What would I say? Did Edward knows about our um... relationship?
What if I lie right now, then before all of this happened I already told him the truth?

"Ugh.... It's just....." I trail.

I'm so freaking nervous here! What if I say something wrong? It'll be a mess.

"Ana and I are a long friend, Emmett. So of course she knows me." Christian says.

Long friend? I guess I am, huh.

"What? Ana, why did you never told me before?! I would be so happy if I knew my fianceé and my best guy are friends!" Edward says while smiling.

"Uhm.... It just.... Umm...." I trail, confused about what will I say to him.

What if I say something wrong?! Everything will be a mess between me & Edward!

"Cullen, it's just that Ana is scared you will get jealous if you know that Ana and I are friends before. Maybe she's scared that you will get mad to her?" Christian says again.

Wow, thanks Grey for helping me.

"Wow it heard like Grey was describing you, Edward! Don't be so over-protective of her for God's sake! She will get scared!" Alice says while the others just nod.

"Uhm... It's not like that guys, really. It's just I just knew that Christian is your best guy and I'm so shocked and yeah....." I say while avoiding all their eyes.

They will know I'm lying if I look at their eyes because I'm such an open book.

"If I were you, Ana, I wouldn't covering Edward. It's his fault that he's so damn protective of you!" Rosalie says while crossing her arms and look like she about to eat Edward's head off.

"Of course I would cover Edward, Ros. Edward is my soon to be fianceé for God's sake!" I say while laughing.

"Uhm... Guys? Can you please leave me alone with Ana? I want to talk with her. Since you know, we are long friends and all?" Christian says.

What. The. Hell !
No way they would leave me alone with .... Him, right?!

"Sure. We'll just wait outside and anyway we need to take Edward to a cafe or restaurant or hospital cafetaria since he hasn't ate anything since you went off"

"What? Edward Masen Cullen! You should take care of yourself! What are you doing starving your own self, huh?" I scold him.

What was he thinking about?! I always tell him to eat even though the situation is bad since his stomatch couldn't take 6 hours without any food.

"Uh... I... I'm sorry, Ana. I will go eat right now okay? Don't be angry with me, love. I'm so sorry okay?" He says while giving me puppy eyes.

"Ugh how can I resist to that? Okay I forgive you but I want you to eat a real food okay?! No instant food or frozen food or... I'll be really angry with you!" I say while crossing my arms.

"Of course, baby. Now, let me kiss you first before I go eat some real food." He says while taking my hand and giving me a sweet kiss everywhere.

"Ugh can you guys stop with the PDA already?! For God's sake, save it later!" Alice says or can I say whine.

"Aw you are just jealous of us, Alice. You can ask Jasper to kiss you duh." I say with this "matter-of-fact" face to Alice.

"Ugh whatever! I'm out of this room! I'll wait for you outside Ed!" Alice says before going out of the room.

"Awww she's so cute huh?" I say to Edward.

Alice is like this really cute girl who knows when to cute, when to be fierce, when to be classy, and when to be a little nasty.

"Nope. No one's cuter than my girl." Edward says before kissing me slowly on the lips.

Responding back, the kiss slowly turned into full-makeout till someone enter the room.

"For God's sake! Leave it for later okay?! And Edward, come on! Do you even still want to eat?! Ugh" Alice says before exiting the room, again.

"Ugh did she need to interrupt us again?!" Edward says

"It's okay. If you go eat right now, I'll give you so many kisses when you came back, okay?" I say while giving him a kiss in his nose.

"Really?!" He says or can I say scream.

"Of course! Now, go eat a real food!" I say and quickly, Edward go out of the room.

Awee hi guys!! How are you feeling?
I've beeen great! But not that great today since I have a freaking headache.😅
Btw, i watched The Brits Award 2016 ( not live tho ) like 3-4 days ago and OMG!! It was sooo good!
And yes, my exams are coming up but I can manage my time sooo it's okay!
Anyway, please comment ur thoughts of this chappie and please vote!

I'm not going to do any update if this chapter doesn't reach 25 votes!

Sorry but oh well😛

Love you guys, talk to you later! Xx💛❤️

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