1. shiny happy people

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"Remember sixteen - when all the world was new and a lifetime stretched before you like fresh snow just waiting for your footprints?"- Peggy Toney Horton

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"Remember sixteen - when all the world was new and a lifetime stretched before you like fresh snow just waiting for your footprints?"
- Peggy Toney Horton


Cassie Avery

"I don't want to fall, Enzo".

"You'll be fine".

I stared up at the tall, floppy haired boy in front of me who was gesturing at the empty trolley we had found, a cheesy grin plastered across his face.

"Get a move on you three", Narcissa called out, her hands firmly on her hips. "You're going to be late".

King's Cross was as jam packed as every year. I could feel eyes glaring at us as we stood on the platform, infuriated that they were having to move out of our way.

"Right, Cassie, get in."

"No chance Enzo. Why do I have to do it?", I protested.

I could practically see the cogs turning in his brain, trying to think of a good reason for me to get in this death trap. "Because... because you're the lightest. It will break if one of us goes in."

"I don't know, Draco's looking pretty scrawny these days", I joked, pinching the pale boy's cheek, who quickly swatted my hand away.

Narcissa trotted over to us, "What's taking so long? The train is leaving in 4 minutes."

"No time to waste then", Enzo announced. Before I could object, he had scooped me up and bundled me into the empty trolley.

I dug my elbow into his ribs. "You're an arsehole, you know that?".

"So you keep telling me", he winked at me.

Without warning, Enzo and Draco launched the trolley towards the pillar between platform 9 and 10. I screamed in shock, bracing myself as we crashed through the wall to the other side, greeted by the sight of the Hogwarts Express.

As I began to sit up to pull myself out of the trolley, I noticed the two boys smirk at each other. "No...", I began to shake my head, pleading with them.

But they had already started spinning the trolley around, sending me crashing to the ground, and earning more than a few disapproving looks from parents of first years further up the platform.

"I told you to stop messing around", Narcissa scolded, "You could have hurt Cassie".

Draco scoffed as his mother began to lecture the boys on their lack of responsibility. "She's fine mum".

Enzo, who was clearly still struggling to contain his amusement from me falling over, pulled me up off of the floor. I narrowed my eyes at him as I dusted myself off.

A whistle echoed across the platform, signalling that the train was about to leave.

"Right, well, you better be on your way", Narcissa pulled us towards her one by one. I couldn't help but notice her holding onto Draco a little bit tighter than usual, sadness glinting in her eye as she pulled away from him. I suppose it would be strange for her going back to the empty manor, with Lucius being in Azkaban.

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