30. fade into you

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"all my grief says the same thing:this isn't how it's supposed to be

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"all my grief says the same thing:
this isn't how it's supposed to be.
this isn't how it's supposed to be.
and the world laughs.
holds my hope by the throat.
but this is how it is".
- Fortesa Latifi


Cassie Avery

"What the fuck is going on?", I asked for what felt like the millionth time. "I thought you didn't come back until tomorrow".

Draco and Theo once again didn't answer, but the serious expressions on their faces was enough to convince me to keep following them down the dark corridors.

I sighed. "Can you at least tell me where we're going?".

No answer. Again.

Great, just what I needed - a midnight stroll in complete silence. As we reached Snape's office, my confusion deepened. What could Snape possibly want at this hour?

I frowned in surprise as Draco didn't even bother to knock on the door, instead just swinging it open and inviting himself in. I winced as I prepared myself for the verbal lashing that Snape was probably about to give us.

But it never came. He just sat behind his desk, his expression as unreadable as ever.

"Your mother is back", he muttered, quite matter-of-factly.

The first thing I felt was disappointment. I'd honestly kind of hoped the woman was dead. How unfortunate.

But as that subsided, confusion began to settle in. My mother had always been a mystery, a stranger flitting in and out of my life. What the fuck did she want? And what did it have to do with Snape and the boys? And why am I being dragged out of my bed after midnight to see her?

I glanced over to Theo and Draco, but neither of them could look at me, their eyes glued to the floor.

"She has requested to see you", Snape continued, his voice low and drawling.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Absolutely fucking not".

"You can use my fireplace to get there", he continued.

"Are you not listening? I'm not going anywhere", I protested, folding my arms across my chest. Other than the fact I would rather burst into flames than come face to face with my mother, it was far too late to be travelling to the manor.

"We have to go, Cass", Theo urged. I could see the sincerity in his eyes. But there was a sort of sadness too. He looked exhausted.

I looked at him, searching his face for any hint of a joke, but his expression was sincere. Theo never got serious unless it was something important. Something about the boy's demeanours told me that this definitely was.

"Fine", I whispered through gritted teeth, my voice faltering slightly. "I'll go".

"I'll go first," Draco muttered. "You two follow."

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