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"It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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"It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them"
- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Cassie Avery

"What is with all of these aurors?", Onyx huffed as she took a seat at the Slytherin table.

"Yeah I wonder... could it maybe be something to do with the return of the most dangerous wizard in history?", Blaise teased.

"Obviously", Onyx shot an infuriated look towards him. "But it just feels a bit extreme. It's not like I'm smuggling him in my suitcase".

It wasn't until the last first year had been sorted that Draco finally walked in, a solemn look plastered on his face as he slumped into the seat across from me.

I nudged his foot under the table and mouthed, "What's wrong?".

He shook his head, dismissing me and turned his attention to the table. I caught Enzo's gaze. I could tell he had noticed something was wrong too. He shrugged his shoulders.

"What did I miss?", Draco eventually spoke.

"New potions teacher, Snape is teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts now", Theo muttered, his focus on his now empty plate. "And you missed Dumbledore's start of year speech, which I'm sure you'll be greatly disappointed about".


"It was a good one this year too. Really inspirational", Enzo chuckled, as we all stood up to make our way out of the great hall. "Were you aware You-Know-Who's back and we're all doomed?".

I pretended to think about it. "No I hadn't heard that".

"You shouldn't joke about that stuff", Draco stated as we headed for the common room, his miserable expression still fixed upon his face.

Enzo's eyes lit up, choosing to ignore the fouler of a mood that Draco was in. "I know what we need", a grin creeping across his face, "I've got two bottles of firewhiskey. Let's say our dorm in an hour?".


I flopped onto the bed beside Onyx, rolling onto my side so we were facing each other. "Did you notice Draco was being weird today?", I asked.

Onyx sighed, "Oh Merlin you should have heard him on the train earlier. Talking about throwing himself off the astronomy tower if he has to stick around another year. I swear if the fucker doesn't lighten up after a couple drinks tonight I will push him off myself".

I laughed at her bluntness. "That's dark even by his standards".

"I wouldn't worry, he's just being dramatic", Onyx sat up and pulled Blaise's jumper over her head. "Once Pansy's tongue is down his throat he'll be fine".

I groaned. "For just a moment there I forgot that bitch existed".

We tried to contain our giggles as we made our way to the boys dorm since it was already after curfew. As we swung the door open we were met by sarcastic cheers from the boys, who were sat in a circle on the floor waiting for us so they could start drinking.

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