31. better off alone

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"If I told you about the darkness inside me, would you still look at me like I'm the sun?"- Unknown

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"If I told you about the darkness inside me, would you still look at me like I'm the sun?"
- Unknown


Cassie Avery

It's hard to come to terms with your life being over at the age of sixteen.

It had been four days since I'd become a death eater and I'd pretty much avoided everyone since then. I hadn't even left my room since it happened.

Classes had started again, but I had pretended to be sick. It wasn't a total lie. There just wasn't some illness making me feel like this. The weight of my secret pressed down on me, suffocating me like a nightmare that I couldn't wake up from no matter how much I tried.

A soft knock on my door echoed through the silence of my room, a sound I'd grown to dread. Days had turned into nights as I lay in bed, consumed by my self-imposed isolation. Enzo's voice, once so comforting, now filled me with unease.

He didn't seem to care that I was sick. He would come to see me every morning, every night, every time he had a break between classes, bringing me food and kind words that I didn't deserve.

I felt awful about leaving him in the middle of the night, especially after what we had done just before. I kept thinking how strange it was, how happy and close to him I had felt, for it all to change within an hour.

I heard him knock on the door again. I dragged myself out of bed, my body heavy as I pulled the door open.

"Oh sorry, were you sleeping?".

I shook my head as he walked in the room. I hadn't been. Despite being in bed for four days straight, I had barely slept.

"I stole you some soup from dinner", he said as he stepped in the room, his face still etched with the same worry it had been all week. "I know you've not been feeling hungry but... well, just in case".

I thanked him, but I knew I wouldn't want to eat.

"How are you feeling now?", he held his hand up to my forehead. "You're not burning up as much as you were yesterday".

"Still a bit off but better", I lied again. Enzo had already tried to convince me to go to the hospital wing, which definitely wasn't an option even if I had actually been unwell.

He curled up next to me, pulling my head onto his chest, running his thumb up and down the side of my face. His warmth enveloped me, but guilt gnawed at my soul.

"Can I stay with you tonight?", he whispered against my ear.

"Enzo you can't", I protested weakly. "You'll get sick".

"I don't care", he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in closer. "I've missed you".

I accepted defeat, and tried to relax in his hold. His touch sent a conflicting surge of comfort and guilt through me.

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