15. come as you are

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"Sometimes I forget that unsaid sentences do not mean unfelt emotions"- Tyler Knott Gregson

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"Sometimes I forget that unsaid sentences do not mean unfelt emotions"
- Tyler Knott Gregson


Cassie Avery

"You girls are always worth the wait", Theo wolf whistled as Onyx and I approached the boys. "Red suits you, Cassie".

Blaise looked puzzled. "She's wearing black", he gestured towards my velvet dress.

Theo screwed up his face. "Are you thick? I'm on about her lipstick". He offered his arm to Onyx, shooting a menacing look towards Blaise. "My date for the night looks beautiful. Try not to be too jealous".

"Just you watch yourself Theo", Blaise chuckled.

"Hey", Theo threw his hands up. "Just because Draco stood you up".

We laughed as Blaise started chasing Theo down the corridor, with Onyx tottering behind them. Enzo turned to me, swinging his arm around my shoulder, his other hand hanging loosely from his pocket.

"Your... your hair is nice", he mumbled down at me, still significantly towering over me despite the fact that I was wearing heels.

"My hair?", I questioned.

"That's not what I meant", his eyeline fell to the floor, his cheeks ever so slightly turning pink for some reason.

We fell silent for a moment.

"Oh", Enzo pulled out his flask, offering it to me. "I forgot I had this. I'll not be able to get through this sober".

I took a swig from the flask, screwing up my face as the firewhiskey burned the back of my throat, making Enzo chuckle. "You always think of everything", I beamed up at him.

We stood at the door to Slughorn's room for a moment, finishing off the contents of the flask. Enzo pushed the door open, allowing me to step in first with him following after.

"Shit. Sorry Cassie. I didn't realise he was gonna be here", Enzo apologised as his eyes met McLaggen, who swiftly turned away pretending that he hadn't seen us. "We can leave if you want".

I gulped, but I put on a brave face. "No, it's fine".

"Are you sure?", he squeezed my hand, scanning my face to see if he should believe me or not.

I nodded reassuringly, trying to convince myself just as much as him.

"Okay, if you're sure". Enzo slowly released my hand, but glared at McLaggen from across the room. "But he's not getting to so much as breathe in your direction".

Onyx came bounding over, squealing excitedly. "I didn't know that Dean was coming to this. Did you?".

I could have sworn I saw Enzo roll his eyes, but I probably just imagined it.

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