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"No one will ever be able to knock the wind out of me again

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"No one will ever be able to knock the wind out of me again.
Not like that.
Not like you"
- Trista Mateer


Lorenzo Berkshire

It had been six weeks since Cassie last said a word to me. Not that I was counting or anything.

Every morning, I wake up to the same routine: roll out of bed, curse my existence, and trudge down to the common room to find Theo stuck to her side like glue.

The worst part was that he was acting like nothing was wrong, like he hadn't jumped at the opportunity to replace me.

It was an obvious case of Theo taking advantage of the situation. Now that I thought about it, I was sure he had been pining after Cassie for years. I'd just been oblivious to it before. The way his eyes would follow her, the way he'd hang off her every word – it was just blatant. My internal monologue was a vicious cycle of accusations and justifications - I knew it was stupid, I knew it was my fault. But I couldn't shake the feeling that Theo was celebrating my downfall, that he was reveling in the space I'd left behind in Cassie's life.

I have no right to be jealous. But I can't help it. I used to be the one she came to when she needed a shoulder to cry on or a laugh to cheer her up. Now it's Theo.

He's the one helping her move on. He's the one who's there for her when I'm not. He's the one she's laughing with in the common room when I walk in.

And it pisses me off.

Potions class had become a drag since everything happened, but something about today felt particularly torturous. Maybe it was the fact that Cassie and Theo were late. Again.

My heart sank as I watched them stumble in, their laughter and slurred voices grating on my nerves. They were hammered, and they weren't even trying to hide it.

Not that they really needed to. Slughorn didn't seem to notice these things.

Cassie plopped down in her seat across from me. She didn't even bother to look at me. I don't know why that surprised me anymore. That seemed to be our new normal. But it still made my chest feel tight.

Dean chuckled, glancing at her with a mixture of concern and amusement. "You alright, Cassie?".

That familiar feeling of irritation rose inside my chest. Another idiot who wouldn't leave Cassie alone.

I cast my frustration onto the cauldron, stirring furiously. The potion bubbled menacingly in front of me, a sickly green concoction that mirrored the shade of my mood.

Cassie reached over to get something off of the desk, nearly falling off her chair in the process. Dean laughed, clearly enjoying the show. "Careful there, Cassie. Don't want to blow us all up".

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