13. basket case

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"If only she could be so oblivious again, to feel such love without knowing it, mistaking it for laughter" - Markus Zuzak

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"If only she could be so oblivious again, to feel such love without knowing it, mistaking it for laughter"
- Markus Zuzak


Cassie Avery

"Draco?", I whispered, prodding his arm. "Are you with us?".

Draco's eyes were fixed on the window, gazing out at the view. One hand propped his head up, the other traced the edges of the empty teacup in front of him.

I waved my hand in front of his face. "Draco?".

He snapped out of his trance. "Sorry. What did you say?".

"I said Enzo told me the quidditch try outs are tonight".

"Oh", he leaned back in his chair. "Yeah. I heard".

"And?", I questioned.

Draco snapped, "And I'm not going. I already told you so don't bother asking why".

"Okay then". I held my hands up in defeat.

He relaxed his shoulders. "Sorry. Enzo's been at me about it since last week".

I wasn't really convinced by this answer, but I decided to drop it anyway. Whatever was going on inside his head, he clearly didn't want to share it.

"What the fuck is she going on about?", Theo groaned, gesturing towards Professor Trelawney. "I can't believe I have to resit Divination of all subjects. It's bad enough being stuck with fifth years but listening to her drone on is even worse".

Divination wasn't typically a subject that Slytherins excelled in. We were too logically thinking. But somehow Enzo, Onyx and Blaise had managed to bullshit their way through the O.W.L., leaving us three being the only ones having to resit it.

"It's because you don't have the 'Sight'. Obviously", I grinned.

He snorted, "She doesn't have the 'Sight' either. Look at the state of those specs". I tried to stifle my laughter.

"Think she heard you", Draco snickered as Trelawney ambled towards us.

"My dears, what are the leaves telling you?", she crowed.

Something about Professor Trelawney made me feel uneasy. It wasn't just the way her glasses magnified her eyes to three times the size of a normal wizard, or how the seventeen necklaces she wore clunked together. It was the way she looked at me with that horrible look in her eyes. As if she could see a million tragedies in my future. Which is not exactly a comforting feeling from a great Seer.

Luckily, Professor Trelawney was not a great Seer. She was a lunatic.

We shrugged our shoulders, causing her to sigh with disappointment as she reached for Draco's cup.

"An arrow. Pointing downward", she tutted. "You are on the wrong path".

Draco frowned at this and peered over. "What if your looking at it upside down?".

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