26. baby its cold outside

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"If only my heart were as cold as I pretend it is. Maybe I could get over this"
- Jessica Katoff


Cassie Avery

I groaned as I felt someone shaking my shoulder, pulling me out of a deep sleep.

"Wake up", a familiar voice announced. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!".

My eyes fluttered open to see Enzo's face hovering above me. He had a mischievous glint in his eyes, like he was up to something. Which he probably was.

"What's wrong?", I asked, my voice still thick with sleep as I propped myself up on my elbows.

Enzo practically bounced off the bed. "It's Christmas".

I groaned again and flopped back onto his pillow, trying to pull him back down beside me. I certainly wasn't ready to face the world yet, Christmas or not. "Can't we just stay here? I like our bubble".

He grinned as he leaned over me, planting kisses all over my face. "As tempting as that sounds trouble, I want to see what you got me. Christmas waits for no one".

I laughed and sat up, giving into his enthusiasm. I pulled one of Enzo's hoodies over my head as he crawled back under the covers next to me, this time with a parcel in his hand.

"For you", he grinned.

I took it from him, curious to see what was inside that had him acting like an overexcited puppy. My eyes widened in surprise as I unwrapped the package to find a small velvet box.

He nodded, urging to me to open it. Nestled within the box was a beautiful silver necklace, an emerald pendant dangling from the centre of the chain.

I gasped, looking up at Lorenzo, who was beaming proudly. "Enzo... this is way too much. Emeralds cost a fortune".

He shook his head. "It's not emerald".

"It's not?".

"Well it is, kind of".

He held the necklace up to the window, the soft morning glow exposing flecks of blue amongst the green stone. "I didn't notice that. It's beautiful".

"Of course it is. It's you".

"What are you talking about?". I raised my eyebrow at him.

"I had it enchanted. It's the exact colour of your eyes", Enzo ran his fingers through his hair.

Suddenly the quidditch gloves I got him seemed quite unimpressive. I couldn't believe he would get something so thoughtful for me. Enzo had always been good at presents. But he had never got me anything like this before.

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