19. why does it always rain on me?

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"She'd laughed, and if he could have bottled the sound and gotten drunk on it every night, he would have

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"She'd laughed, and if he could have bottled the sound and gotten drunk on it every night, he would have. It terrified him"
- Leigh Bardugo


Lorenzo Berkshire

Frustration. That's all I felt. I paced around the changing room gloomily, replaying the match over and over again, mulling over all the ways I had let the team down.

I slumped onto the floor of the changing room, my back pressed against the wall as I glared at the floor.

"I'm not an expert at quidditch so I could be wrong, but I thought only the beaters were supposed to hit the bludgers", I heard a familiar voice say.

I glanced up from my thoughts to see Cassie leaning against the doorframe, her arms folded and a grin on her face. "Or are you just a man of many talents?", she continued.

Despite my state of irritation about the game, I was instantly filled with warmth at the sight of her, the slightest of smiles fighting it's way onto my face.

"Talents?", I scoffed. "What game were you watching?".

She stepped towards me, slotting herself into the spot next to me. "Just the game where you were 140 points ahead and only let in two goals the whole match".

"Still lost though", I huffed.

"Only because quidditch rules are stupid", Cassie stretched her legs out in front of her. "You're the best keeper I've ever seen".

I smirked down at her. "Are you saying I'm a keeper?"

Before the words had even left my mouth, she was already rolling her eyes, anticipating what I was going to say. "That wasn't funny the first hundred times you said it, and it still isn't now".

Even when I felt like I had nothing to smile about, she still had the ability to make me laugh within minutes.

Cassie rested her head on my shoulder as she lit a cigarette. I felt mesmerised as I watched her exhale swirls of smoke from her lips, spiralling and dancing towards the ceiling. I gently lay my head on top of hers, taking in the peace I felt around her.

"So... how raging was McGonagall?", she asked after a few moments.

I snorted. "Furious. I've got detention every night for the next two weeks".

"He deserved it", she shrugged.

"Of course you would think that", I teased. "You're a little psychopath".

She dug her elbow into my ribs, pretending to look offended. "That's not true. I'm an angel".

"If you say so", I winked at her.

She lifted herself slightly off of the ground as she adjusted the hem of her jumper. I realised it was mine, the same one I had given her last night. Except I hadn't noticed last night the way that it grazed the top of her thighs so perfectly, just the edge of her skirt visible underneath it.

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