20. a change would do you good

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"How can I tell you how I feel without giving you the ability to completely destroy me?"- R

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"How can I tell you how I feel without giving you the ability to completely destroy me?"
- R. M. Broderick


Cassie Avery

I'm not really sure what came over me.

Obviously I had wanted Enzo to kiss me. I mean, I was the one that asked him.

But now it has been five days since it happened. And we haven't said a word to each other. I haven't really seen much of him at all. Partly because he's been busy with his detentions. Mostly because I have been avoiding him like the fucking plague.

I was the one who brought it all up, so why am I the one running away from it all like a coward? I suppose I don't want to be responsible for sabotaging my friendship with the one person that has always been there for me. The thought of not having Lorenzo in my life is enough to make my chest feel heavy. I don't want to lose him. I can't lose him.

So instead of confronting him, I've done the mature thing and hid.

"Miss Avery?".

I was quickly pulled away from my thoughts. I peered up at Professor McGonagall.

"Your assignment, Miss Avery?", she repeated.

I paused for a moment, staring at her blankly. "What assignment?".

She pursed her lips together and folded her arms. "The assignment that was due today".

Oh for fuck sake.

Professor McGonagall clearly took my silence as her answer. "Again, Cassandra? You know I have no choice but to give you a detention for this", she sighed, before turning on her heels towards a group of Hufflepuff's in front of me.

Brilliant. Just what I needed on top of everything else.

I made a swift exit as soon as the class was dismissed. The rest of the day dragged on, with me and Enzo sharing no more than a couple of glances as we passed each other in the corridor. I stayed in my dorm until it was time for my detention, my mind spinning far too much to even consider going for dinner.

I reluctantly dragged myself back along to Professor McGonagall's classroom. I was late, but I didn't care. I sighed as I pushed her door open, fully anticipating this to be the longest two hours of my life. What I hadn't anticipated was the other person who was in the room.

I had completely forgotten that Enzo's detentions were with Professor McGonagall too.

Enzo glanced over his shoulder to see who had entered the classroom, jumping to his feet when he realised that it was me. I frowned at him, wondering what on earth he was doing. Professor McGonagall had a similar confused look on her face.

"That is quite the gentlemanly gesture Mr Berkshire, but I'm sure Miss Avery won't mind sitting in one of the other 29 empty chairs in this classroom", she barked at him. He slumped back into his seat, focusing his attention back onto the piece of parchment in front of him.

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