28. stand by me

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"I'm tough

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"I'm tough."
"I know you are."
"I can take care of myself."
"You have. You still do. You always will. I've just joined in, too. Now we take care of each other."
- Chloe Liese


Cassie Avery

"Cassie are you ready?". I heard a faint knock on the door as I finished my make up.

Shit. Nope.

"Uh... come in", I called out to Enzo. I wolf whistled at him in his suit as he stepped into the room. Only slightly to try and distract him from the fact that I was running late again. Mostly because he's just so bloody handsome.

"Yeah, yeah, I know", he grinned, clearly getting a little bit flustered. His face fell as he looked at me properly. "How are you not dressed yet? There's already people here".

"I just need to put my dress on", I pouted up at him. "Close your eyes".

Enzo sighed but covered his eyes anyway as I shimmied my black dress on. "Okay you can look now".

He bit his lip as he looked me up and down. He took a step towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder. I could see his stupid grin in the reflection of the mirror.

"Merlin, you're beautiful", he whispered as he pressed his lips along my jaw. "You ready?".

I nodded, still slightly in a daze from the effect his kisses had on me.

"Wait, no I'm not". I held up the necklace he got me for Christmas.

I handed it to him, holding my hair out of the way as he carefully fastened it around my neck. His fingertips brushed against my skin and I couldn't help but shiver at the sensation.

Enzo clearly noticed this as he ran his hand down the side of my body, coming to a stop on my hip. He smirked and slapped my ass playfully. "Right let's go. Before I decide to just stay in this room with you".


I nodded, taking a deep breath in an effort to mentally prepare myself for facing Enzo's dad again, considering in his mind I was pretty much the spawn of Satan.

I didn't want to ruin this for Enzo, so I put on my best false smile as we approached him.

"There's my boy", he pulled Enzo in towards him.

"Good evening, Cassandra", he plastered an equally fake smile on his face as he took my hand, kissing it lightly. "You look wonderful".

"Good evening, Mr. Berkshire", I said, keeping my voice as sweet as possible.

"There's a few people I want you to meet", Lorenzo's father said, clapping his hand on Lorenzo's shoulder and starting to lead him away. Clearly that was all the niceties I would be receiving from Mr Berkshire this evening.

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