12. don't speak

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"We both drowned under the waves of words we weren't saying" - Ben Maxfield

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"We both drowned under the waves of words we weren't saying"
- Ben Maxfield


Lorenzo Berkshire

"Oh no", Cassie groaned. "What are you doing here?".

"Good morning to you too", I slowly opened my eyes, the sunlight streaming in through the windows and casting a sea green tint across the room. My head was pounding, although I'm sure not nearly as much as Cassie's was right now.

"You know what I mean", she rubbed her eyes and quickly shoved her face into her pillow. "My fucking head. I feel like it's been stomped on by a troll".

I chuckled as I stretched myself awake. "Won't stop you from doing it again though".

"I couldn't think of anything worse", she complained, her voice coming out raspy from the alcohol.

"I can almost guarantee that we will be having this exact conversation again this time next week".

Cassie peered up at me, a faint blush spreading across her cheeks. Her expression had dropped. "I'm really sorry, Enzo".

Sorry for what? Fuck, did she remember? Did this mean she regretted what she said?

"Why?". I tried to play it cool.

She sighed, "I ruined your night again".


"You never ruin my night", I protested. "I don't mind. I wasn't really having a good time anyway".

A wave of guilt washed over me as I remembered what I had to tell her. I made my way towards her bed, perching on the end of it. She must have been able to tell that something was wrong from the look on my face, because her smile instantly fell.

"Cassie", I turned my body to face her.

She sat up, concern in her voice. "What's wrong?".

"I need to talk to you about last night".

Cassie raised her eyebrows, "Why? What do you mean?".

"What's the last thing you remember?".

"I don't know...", she stuttered. "Dancing with Onyx and Theo and... why are you asking me this? Did something happen?".

I started tracing circles on the back of her hand. "Don't worry, you're fine but... you were completely out of it obviously and... well you know that Gryffindor boy McLaggen? The hideous one who's been sniffing around Granger?".

Cassie nodded, but her eyes were filled with confusion.

"He... uh... he was speaking about you in the hall the other day. Pretty disgusting things. And then last night he got you on your own and... well I don't really know what he was up to exactly but we... took care of it".

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