14. breathe

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TW - panic attack

"It was a long time ago

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"It was a long time ago. It doesn't matter anymore. And yet I cannot let it go. I cannot let it go"
- Sylvia Plath


Cassie Avery

"Do you want me to kill him?", Enzo whispered.

"Relax", I chuckled under my breath. "You've become awful violent recently. I'm starting to think I'm a bad influence on you".

"Avery. Berkshire", Snape hissed, shooting a threatening look in our direction as he walked past our desk.

Enzo leaned back in his chair, pretending to copy something out of the Defence Against the Dark Arts textbook in front of us. He kept his eyes on Snape, making sure he was out of earshot.

"I'm too pissed off to concentrate", he tapped his quill irritably. "I can't let him get away with this".

McLaggen had got out of the hospital wing and in some sort of last ditch attempt to save his reputation after Enzo had broken his jaw, he was going around telling people that I had sucked him off at the Ravenclaw party, and Enzo had punched him because he was jealous. Enzo had pretty much had steam coming out of his ears since a couple of fifth years informed us at lunch.

"Leave it", I sighed. "He's not worth it".

He shook his head. "I don't want him going around saying something like that about you".

"You know it's not true?", I questioned.


"Well then I don't care what anyone else here thinks", I shrugged. "And anyway, I've got other plans for him".

We both jumped as Snape slammed his hands on our desk, signalling us once more to stop talking.

As he briskly turned away and stalked off around the classroom, a small piece of parchment slid across our desk, courtesy of the two seventh year boys that sat in front of us.

Enzo scoffed as I unfolded the note. How was McLaggen? Perverts.

He picked up his quill as if he was about to bounce it off the back of their heads, but paused when he saw the smirk on my face. I grabbed the quill from his hand, scratching my response onto the parchment and passing it forward.

The two boys swivelled towards me immediately, their eyes wide with shock, trying their best to stifle their laughter.

"No fucking way", one of them hissed. "Seriously?".

I nodded back at him.

Enzo looked puzzled. "What did you write?". He snatched the piece of parchment out of the boys hand.

The corners of his mouth twitched as he read my response.


The other boy suddenly chimed in, his eyes on me. "You know, I could show you something that isn't sm-".

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