17. where is my mind?

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"But you are

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"But you are. You are worth all that trouble. You are worth walking through a fire. Don't you see that?"
- Elena Armas


Lorenzo Berkshire

Cassie must have known something was up. It was so obvious. I had been acting weird around her for weeks.

But the truth was, ever since what she had said in her room after the Ravenclaw party, I couldn't get Cassie out of my head.

I thought that I already knew everything about her. But I was noticing things about her that I hadn't before. The way she always bit her lip when she was thinking. The way her hair moved when she walked the halls.

The way everything she wore clung to her body so perfectly.

I shook my head, snapping myself out of my trance. This is wrong. I shouldn't be thinking of her like that. She's my best friend.

I let my gaze wander across the desk to her, only to be met by her eyes already on me.

"Are you alright?", Cassie asked, leaning slightly forward on the desk towards me.

I nodded, feeling my cheeks turning red.

She blinked at me, her eyelashes fluttering. She obviously didn't believe me. Cassie was smart. She would figure out something was wrong eventually. Especially if I kept acting like this every time she so much as looked at me. Never mind the fact that I'd ruined her date with Dean. I don't know what I was thinking.

Well that's not completely true. I was thinking that I didn't want her to be on a date at all. I was thinking that if that date went well then there would be more dates and then Dean would obviously fall in love with her because she's pretty much the most perfect person to walk the face of the earth and then she would be his best friend and not mine.

She quickly looked away as her and Dean's cauldron bubbled over, causing them both to jump backward from the desk.

"What did you do?", Cassie widened her eyes at him.

Dean held his hands up in defence. "Me? I thought it was you".

I rolled my eyes as they both laughed. Together.

It's not that Dean was a bad person. He was nice enough and smart and obviously liked Cassie a lot. He's probably exactly the kind of person you would want your best friend to end up with. And yet seeing Cassie even laugh with him made my stomach physically churn.

When Slughorn dismissed the class, I shot out into the corridor as fast as I could. It felt horrible avoiding her, but I figured if I took a bit of space from her then these thoughts would stop and things would go back to normal.

"Enzo, wait". I felt Cassie's hand wrap around my wrist, stopping me in my tracks. I couldn't help but to tense up at her touch.

I turned to face her. She peered up at me through her eyelashes. "What's wrong?".

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