25. send me on my way

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"Such wounds to the heart will probably never heal

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"Such wounds to the heart will probably never heal. But we cannot simply sit and stare at our wounds forever"
- Haruki Murakami


Cassie Avery

"So Draco just tried to crash the party?", I asked as we walked down to the great hall for breakfast, my mouth hanging open in surprise.

Onyx nodded. "Yep. It was quite embarrassing actually. He got dragged in by Filch and everything".

"Very embarrassing", Blaise agreed. "So you better give him a hard time about it over Christmas".

"I won't see him. He's going home but Enzo and I are staying here", I responded.

Normally, the three of us would spend Christmas with the Malfoy's but there had been one occasion in fourth year where Enzo and I had stayed at Hogwarts while Draco visited his grandfather with his parents, so it wasn't completely unusual. I did wonder if this time it had more to do with Bellatrix sniffing around than anything else.


I heard someone call from behind me. I turned around to see Enzo practically sprinting down the corridor towards me, almost knocking me over as he struggled to slow himself down.

"Cassie", he panted, his hands on his knees as he struggled to regain his breath. "Can I speak to you? In private?".

I frowned but nodded as he pulled me to the side of the hallway. "What's wrong?".

"Uh... please don't be angry but...", he stammered, worry evident in his eyes, which was not exactly any reassurance to me.

"You're scaring me".

"Sorry", he took my hands into his. "Well, uh... I found your photo, which, by the way, you are unbelievable. Merlin. Anyway, I was, let's say... looking at it this morning and...".

"Have you really ran all the way here to tell me you've had a wank?", I cut him off.

Enzo chuckled slightly but quickly stopped, whatever was worrying him becoming evident in his eyes once again. "Well, I thought everyone was out but Theo came back in and obviously he knew what I was doing and he, uh...".

I had a feeling I knew where this was going. "Get to the point, Enzo".

"He saw the photo. And also my dick. But most importantly your photo", he blurted out, wincing at his words.

"Oh", I thought about what he said for a moment.

"Oh?", Enzo looked surprised, probably expecting me to hex him or bite his head off. "You're not angry?".

I shrugged. "I don't love it. But he won't know it's me. My face wasn't in it".

"It wasn't? I didn't notice", he stuck his tongue out slightly as that grin I adored so much appeared on his face.

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