24. all the small things

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"Her heart was telling her to trust him, but it wouldn't be the first time that that foolish muscle, there in the middle of her chest, had betrayed her"- Mirella Muffarotto

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"Her heart was telling her to trust him, but it wouldn't be the first time that that foolish muscle, there in the middle of her chest, had betrayed her"
- Mirella Muffarotto


Cassie Avery

"The boys are gonna be fucked before we even get there. Enzo was already half cut when I last saw him".

I sat in front of the mirror in our dorm with my legs crossed, applying my lipstick for Slughorn's Christmas party.

"I know. But it is his birthday", Onyx kneeled behind me to help me curl my hair. "And seventeen is a big one".

I smiled slightly. "I can't believe he's technically an adult now".

"Does that mean you're going to let him get drunk for a change? Since he always ends up looking after you", she teased.

"Ha ha", I answered, choosing to ignoring the big grin Onyx had on her face.

"What did you end up getting him anyway?".

"Oh uh... Me and Theo got him this muggle camera that prints out the picture as soon as you take it. You know how he likes all their weird inventions", I found myself fidgeting with the lace hem of my dress.

"See wizards are stupid. We literally have magic and can't make something like that. But thank Merlin we have a spell that makes you throw up slugs. That's always handy", she muttered sarcastically.

I laughed halfheartedly, but truthfully I was miles away. It sounded stupid but I was worried about Enzo's birthday. And certain things he might be used to doing on his birthday.


She looked at me with raised eyebrows. "Yeah?".

"How did you know when you were ready to...", I trailed off, not sure how to phrase my question.

Onyx stopped her actions and looked at me with surprise. I could tell she didn't expect me to ask such a personal question. But I needed someone to confide in, and she was the only person I trusted enough to talk to about this.

"I didn't realise things were so serious with your mystery boy".

I sighed, fiddling with my necklace between my fingers. "I don't know if they are, I'm just... I'm trying to figure it out".

Onyx thought for a moment before answering. "Well, do you want to?".

"I don't know. I think so. But I freak out every time things get a bit... I don't know", I mumbled, my eyes falling to the floor.

"It's normal to be nervous about it. I was for ages", she placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "And then one day I just wasn't anymore. I just knew that's what I wanted to do".

I nodded, taking in her words. "And Blaise didn't mind waiting?".

"Nope", Onyx smiled at me, taking another strand of my hair in her hand. "And Enzo won't either.".

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