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TW ~ horrible boys saying horrible things about girls

TW ~ horrible boys saying horrible things about girls

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"But you are. You are worth all that trouble. You are worth walking through a fucking fire. Don't you see that?"
- Elena Armas


Lorenzo Berkshire

"Well?", Onyx collapsed onto the bench next to me and Cassie, raising her eyebrows at Draco. "Are you going to tell him?".

Draco slid into the space across from us, in between Theo and Blaise. "I've just sat down. Stop it", he hissed back at her.

"Tell who what?", Theo mumbled, his mouth stuffed full of the pancakes on the table.

I looked at Onyx, who was glaring across the table at Draco. I smirked to myself. She looked pissed off. I wouldn't want to be him right now. It's not fun being on the receiving end of one of Onyx's rages. She had learned from Cassie, after all.

I heard Draco sigh as I turned my attention back to the Daily Prophet, sipping a glass of pumpkin juice. "Enzo", I peered up at Draco, who was scratching the back of his neck uncomfortably. I realised I was the him that Onyx was referring to. "I'm quitting quidditch".

I chuckled. "Good one".

"I'm serious".

"You can't quit quidditch! Try outs are next week. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a decent seeker?", I ranted.

He couldn't even look at me, his eyes fixed on the table in front of him.

"What the fuck is going on Draco? You've been acting weird for weeks and now this?", I continued.

Cassie's eyes met mine, urging me to calm down. Her gaze softened as she looked back over at Draco, who was picking at the splintering wood on the table. She reached over, placing her hand on top of his, signalling for him to stop. This action finally got him to look up from the table.

"Draco", she soothed, a slight hint of concern in her voice, "I think what Enzo is trying to say is we're just a bit confused. I thought you loved quidditch".

He swallowed, clearly thinking carefully about what he was going to say next. "I'm just not interested anymore".

Cassie didn't respond. She shook her head at me, encouraging me to stay quiet too. So I did as I was told. It was useless arguing with him anyway.

"Well... good morning to you all too", Blaise nodded, before getting up to leave, Onyx following fast on his heels.

We sat in silence for a moment, thinking over the events that had just unfolded. Cassie reached over me for the orange juice, since she hates pumpkin juice.

"Is this new?", I asked, fiddling with the hem of her skirt between my fingers as she sat down again.

She nodded. "Why?".

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