16. sabotage

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"We had everything to say to each other, but no ways to say it"- Jonathan Safran Foer

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"We had everything to say to each other, but no ways to say it"
- Jonathan Safran Foer


Cassie Avery

"And where do you think you're off to looking like that, Cassandra Avery?", I heard Theo's voice over my shoulder.

Shit. I thought I had managed to sneak out the common room without anyone noticing.

I spun on my heels to see my friends sprawled across the couches in front of the fireplace. Apart from Draco, of course, who was missing in action once again.

"I'm... going to a party", I said, although it came out as more of a question than a statement.

Enzo raised his eyebrows, his arms spread across the back of the couch. "I think we would know if there was party, trouble".

"Where you really going, Cassie?", Blaise asked.

I kept my mouth shut. I really couldn't be arsed with them taking the piss right now. I eyeballed Onyx, urging her to do the same.

But Theo must have spotted my pleas, as he quickly turned his attention towards her. "Where's she really going, Onyx?".

Onyx lasted all of three seconds before she caved and blurted out, "She's going on a date with Dean to the Three Broomsticks".

"Cheers for that Onyx!", I groaned.

"I'm sorry! You know I can't lie!".

Theo and Blaise's laughter bellowed around the common room. "So you finally said yes to the poor sod?".

I heard Enzo scoff and noticed his arms were now crossed in front of him, a scowl plastered on his face. I decided to ignore him. I could do without another one of his rants about Dean.

"You look beautiful", Onyx said, probably in an attempt to get back on my good side.

"The fucker doesn't stand a chance with that dress", Theo nodded in agreement, looking me up and down. "Right Enzo?".

Enzo shrugged, his eyes focused on the flames flickering in the fireplace.

"What's wrong with you?", Onyx asked.

"Dean's a moron".

I rolled my eyes. "Oh here we go...".

"Just don't understand what you see in him, that's all", he muttered, finally bringing himself to look me in the eye.

"Well, it's a good thing you're not the one going out with him then", I snapped. I was honestly finding this constant hypocritical need to keep every boy away from me a little bit boring now.

"Lorenzo's just jealous that he's never been on a date", Theo nudged his shoulder.

He rolled his eyes. "I could go on a date. I just skip that part. That's the boring part".

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