22. ready or not

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TW - panic attack, alcohol and drug use

"I don't need you to understand me, I need you to not turn away when you don't

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"I don't need you to understand me, I need you to not turn away when you don't."
— Rachel Wolchin


Cassie Avery

"So Enzo, you're finally a free man after tonight", Blaise said as he sat down at the table, giving Onyx's shoulder a squeeze.

After Katie Bell's incident at Hogsmeade, we had all been questioned by Professor McGonagall. It didn't take her long to realise that Enzo and I were absolutely plastered, earning us both another couple weeks of detention and bringing Enzo up to a full four weeks in a row.

Funnily enough, I had found myself not really minding about being stuck in detention with him.

"He needs to make up for lost time at the Hufflepuff party", Theo grinned slyly. "He's not been near a girl in a month".

"Really?", Onyx raised her eyebrow. "That's not like you".

Blaise laughed. "Must be losing your touch".

Enzo shifted uncomfortably in his seat."I've just been busy".

"Well we'll find you someone tonight. I know how much you love Hufflepuff girls", Theo chimed in again, clapping his hand on his shoulder.

"Right... okay", Enzo muttered, taking a bite of his toast.

I could feel his eyes on me as I stabbed at my food a little bit too loudly, but I didn't want to look at him. I knew it wasn't Enzo talking about girls. It was Theo. But the whole conversation had put me in a foul mood.

I pretended not to notice the first three times that Enzo nudged my knee with his underneath the table. But after the fourth time, I let my eyes meet his as he shot me a wink from across the table, making me relax slightly.

"Your awful quiet Cass...", Theo trailed off as he gasped. "Oh my fucking god".

"What?", I peered up from my plate.

He had practically folded in half with laughter as he struggled to get his words out. "There's absolutely no way".

I snapped. "Theo what is so-"

"Cassandra Avery", he cut me off, grabbing my face in his hands and tilting my chin upwards. "Who on earth has been sucking on your neck?"

"What?!", the table asked in unison.

"Who gave you those?", Onyx's mouth hung open as she leaned forward eagerly.

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks as all eyes turned to me. "No one", I muttered.

"No one?", Blaise joined the interrogation. "Was it Dean? I thought you didn't go on another date with him?".

"No. Make this stop", I pushed Theo off of me, who was prodding at the marks on my neck.

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