3. castles in the sky

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"The best portion of your life will be the small, nameless moments you spend smiling with someone who matters to you"- Ritu Ghatourey

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"The best portion of your life will be the small, nameless moments you spend smiling with someone who matters to you"
- Ritu Ghatourey


Cassie Avery

"So what is the plan exactly?", I queried. Enzo marched down the corridor, still carrying me on his back.

I squealed as he pretended to drop me. "Trust me, I'm an expert", Enzo teased, pushing me up his back again. We turned the corner and spiralled down the stone staircase.

I huffed, tightening my grip around his shoulders. "Can you at least tell me who the target is?".

"Nobody, it's a victimless crime... sort of".

"That's helpful", I replied dryly. What was he up to? I tapped his shoulder, signalling for him to put me down.

"What's wrong?".

I leaned back against the stone wall. "I feel dizzy. These stairs are never ending".

Enzo nodded, his eyes fixed on mine.

"Why are you looking at me like that?", I asked.

He quickly glanced at the floor. "Your eyes are so red", he chuckled, "I didn't realise how frazzled you were".

"Says you! You should see yours".

We both started giggling, the kind of laugh that only happens when you're not supposed to laugh, when everything seems so much funnier than it actually is.

We stopped abruptly as we heard footsteps approaching above us. Enzo grabbed my arm, pulling me into a door behind us. He kept one hand on the door handle to stop whoever was coming down the stairs from entering, his other hand over my mouth to stop me laughing.

It wasn't until the footsteps had passed the door and descended down the stairs that I realised how close we were standing. I could feel his breath grazing the top of my head, my face an inch from his chest. I pulled his hand away from my mouth, glancing to my left to realise we were standing in a broom cupboard.

"That was sheer luck that we ended up in here", Enzo pondered.

I peered up at him, confusion written on my face. "What are you on about?".

He nodded towards the brooms at the back of the cupboard. He has to be joking. I shook my head, "No fucking way".

Enzo smirked, "That's the plan".

"You said this was a victimless crime", I whined, "I feel like I'm the victim here".

"You're the only person in Hogwarts who isn't allowed to fly a broom. Time to face your fears", he insisted.

That was true. I wasn't too keen on the whole flying idea in the first place, but after watching Neville lose control of his broom and fall about 30 feet in our first flying lesson back in first year, I had decided I wanted nothing to do with it.

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