32. there she goes

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"But I must admit I miss you terribly

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"But I must admit I miss you terribly. The world is too quiet without you nearby"
- Lemony Snicket


Lorenzo Berkshire

The great hall was filled with the usual breakfast chatter. The hum of conversation and laughter washed over me, but it felt distant amongst the chaos of my thoughts.

Cassie was sitting across the table, laughing at something Blaise said. I could feel my gaze wandering over to her every few seconds. We were supposed to be just friends again, and I was trying to respect that. But Merlin, it was hard.

I'd tried to hide my disappointment, but it clung to me like a persistent shadow. I couldn't understand why she'd changed her mind so abruptly. I'd been so sure she was happy, so sure we were on the same page. But apparently, I was wrong.

Her laughter still held a strange power over me, pulling me in like a moth to a flame. I fought against the pull, willing my eyes to focus on the pile of toast in front of me.

"You're staring again", Theo dug his elbow into my ribs.

"No I'm not", I lied. I definitely was.

Theo rolled his eyes. "Why don't you just tell her you miss her?".

"I don't miss her", I could feel myself shaking my head a little too vigorously. Another lie. I did. But how do you explain that you miss someone who is sitting right in front of you?

I missed her a lot. I missed the smile that would creep onto her face when our eyes met across the room. I missed the way she would squeeze my hand under the table when no one was looking. I missed the way her lips felt against mine.

I had only been a week. And it's not like we weren't speaking. But I missed all those things we used to do before, all the things that 'just friends' aren't supposed to do.

Theo tossed a grape in the air, catching it in his mouth. "If you say so".

"We weren't even really together", I found myself repeating Cassie's words, trying to convince myself as much as I was him.

Theo raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying my story. "If you say so", he said again, smirking.

I swallowed the ache and forced a nonchalance upon my face, determined to not let my emotions betray me. But as Cormac McLaggen, the pompous toad, sauntered over to Cassie, my facade began to crumble.

"Lovely day isn't it?", he snarled.

Cassie scoffed and rolled her eyes. "It was".

His predatory gaze settled on Cassie, and a familiar surge of protectiveness washed over me. "I'm pretty sure I already told you what would happen if I saw you breathe in her direction".

A disgusting smirk pulled on his lips as he looked me dead in the eyes.

"You're so pretty Cassie", he turned his attention back towards her. "Isn't she Berkshire?".

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