21. hypnotize

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"I'm afraid of a lot of things, but mostly, most sincerely, I am afraid of being completely unraveled by you, and you finding nothing you want in here

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"I'm afraid of a lot of things, but mostly, most sincerely, I am afraid of being completely unraveled by you, and you finding nothing you want in here."
- L M Dorsey

Cassie Avery

I pulled the sleeves of my jacket down over my hands in an attempt to stop the cold biting at my fingers. It was only November, but a blanket of snow had covered the cobblestone streets of Hogsmeade.

Draco and Theo had wandered ahead of us, looking deep in conversation about something, while Onyx and Blaise were arguing about him not offering her his coat.

I glanced up at Enzo, his floppy hair peeking out from beneath his hood, and saw the faint twinkles of snowflakes reflecting against his brown eyes as he gazed back down at me. He let his fingers lightly graze against the back of my hand.

It had only been a couple of weeks since our detention, but we had quickly gone from best friends who kiss each other sometimes to best friends who kiss each other pretty much any time we were alone. We kept our distance, not wanting to raise any suspicion from our friends, but it had been harder than we thought to stay away from each other.

"Have you two fallen out or something?", Onyx turned towards us. "You're both being very... quiet".

We both shook our head a little too vigorously to be convincing. She raised an eyebrow at us, but turned her attention back to Blaise.

I let out a deep sigh of relief, my breath leaving my lips in a frosty cloud. "Stop worrying", Enzo winked down at me, squeezing my shoulders gently.

We followed the others into Honeydukes, the scent of sweets filling my nose immediately. I made my way towards the back of the shop, scanning the shelves for sugar quills. My eyes fall on a box of them on the top shelf. I reached up towards them on my tiptoes but it was no use. I sighed with frustration and paused, willing them to jump closer.

I felt a hand against the small of my back. Enzo stepped closer to me, pressing his body against mine as he reached up to grab the box. He bowed his head down towards mine, as he snaked his other hand around my waist.

"Here you go trouble", he smirked against my neck, the warmth of his breath against my skin giving me goosebumps. He paused for a moment, before his lips brushed against my jaw.

"Lorenzo....", I shuddered, my voice scarcely above a whisper.

I could feel my cheeks getting warmer as I noticed the amusement in his gaze. I rolled my eyes, snatching the box from his hand.

"What?" he asked, an innocent look in his eyes.

"You know what", I hissed.

Enzo's arm remained gripped around my waist as he grinned down at me. "Nobody's watching".

I scoffed, storming off towards the till to pay. This was all confusing enough without Enzo nearly getting us caught every time we were around our friends.

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