6. no surprises

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"He wasn't mine and I wasn't his but he was so good at making me feel like we belonged to each other" - Sue Zhao

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"He wasn't mine and I wasn't his but he was so good at making me feel like we belonged to each other"
- Sue Zhao


Cassie Avery

"Come on Cassie", Onyx pounded on the bathroom door. "Are you nearly ready?".

I put down my eyeliner, opening the door to face her. "Well if somebody hadn't been in the shower for almost an hour".

"This doesn't just happen", she joked, twirling herself around. "It takes time".

I wolf whistled at her. "True. Blaise is a lucky man".

"Do you know who else is a lucky man?", she continued. "Dean Thomas".

I rolled my eyes, scoffing at her words. "I can't believe you're still going on about that".

"He was practically drooling over you the other day", she said with a knowing grin.

"You're delusional. He's just my potions partner. I mean he's fine, but I don't like him like that".

"You never like anyone like that. I just want to go on some double dates", she pleaded.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know. I just don't want a boyfriend".

Onyx huffed, only being slightly over dramatic as she threw her hands up in defeat.

"You ready?", I asked as I made my way towards the door.

"Wait!", she stopped me. "Can you do my eyeliner like yours?".

"I thought you were worried about being late?", I laughed.

"I'm sure the boys will survive a few more minutes".

Needless to say, the boys got fed up waiting on us. They were already in Honeydukes when we eventually caught up with them. I spotted Theo standing with his back to us. It was too good of an opportunity to miss. We crept up behind him and jumped on his back, giving him such a fright that he knocked over half a shelf of exploding bonbons.

"You two are lucky I love you", he huffed, as Onyx and I kneeled down to help him clear up the mess, trying to contain our snorts of laughter.

"Alright trouble", Enzo wandered over to us, accompanied by a still very unhappy looking Draco. "Got your favourites", he grinned, handing me a pack of sugar quills.

"And pumpkin pasties for you, grumpy", he passed another box to a scowling Onyx.

I thanked him as he offered me his hand and pulled me back up off the floor.

"Can we get out of here before I cause any more damage?", Theo grumbled. "Three Broomsticks?".

Getting drunk seemed like as good an idea as any. We made our way down the road towards the pub, finding a table in the back corner as Draco and Theo went up to the bar to order. As I looked around, I noticed it was unsurprisingly full of Hogwarts students.

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