33. just a girl

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"Nothing had changed

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"Nothing had changed. I was the stupid one again. I was the girl who never understood who she was to people"
- Carol Rifka Brunt


Cassie Avery

I felt numb.

That's a lie. I felt furious. If I'd stayed in that hall for a second longer I would have strangled him. I had to get out of there.

I'm not sure how I ended up in the room of requirement. I couldn't go to the clock tower or any of my usual places because those were the first places Enzo would think to look for me. And I definitely didn't want to face him now. Or ever again.

I wouldn't let myself cry. Crying is for the weak, for the naive girls who actually believed in fairy tales. And I'm not weak. Or at least, I don't want to be. But right now, it feels like I'm crumbling from the inside out. I've always prided myself on being tough, on not letting my emotions get the better of me. But this...this hurts more than I care to admit.

God, I used to think all those girls were idiots. Idiots for believing they meant something to him. I was so sure that I was better than them, smarter than them. And now here I am, feeling like the biggest idiot of them all.

"Cassie", a voice called out. "You in here?".

My body tensed up. How the fuck had he found me?

I spun on my feet, ready to bite Enzo's head clean off. I breathed a sigh of a relief as I realised it was Theo.

He stepped inside and closed the door behind him. "I figured you'd be here."

I didn't say anything. I didn't even make eye contact with him. I couldn't stand the thought of everyone feeling sorry for me.

"Do you want to, like... talk about it?", Theo shuffled his feet awkwardly.

"Ew", I screwed up my face. "Are you taking the piss?".

"Obviously", he smirked. "Want to get drunk and smash things?".

I finally allowed myself to meet his eyes. "That's more like it".

I took the bottle from him, unscrewing the cap and taking a long swig. The fiery liquid burned its way down my throat, but it was a welcome distraction from the iciness that had settled in my chest.

With a grin plastered on his face, Theo grabbed a nearby chair and hurled it at the wall. I followed suit, flinging a vase. Soon, the room was a chaotic mess, with shards of glass and ceramic flying everywhere. The sound of shattering glass was almost deafening, but oddly cathartic.

Theo picked up a tiara and examined it. "Actually, maybe we shouldn't smash this. Looks kind of important."

He staggered over and placed it on my head, a playful smile on his face.

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