11. don't look back in anger

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TW - blood.
this chapter takes place just before manhood in filthy. There's nothing graphic in this chapter but it could potentially be upsetting knowing what happens after.

"I opened my mouth, almost said something

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"I opened my mouth, almost said something. Almost. The rest of my life might have turned out differently if I had. But I didn't."
- Khaled Hosseini


Lorenzo Berkshire

"Is it weird that I miss Hogwarts already?", I questioned.

"Yes. We just left yesterday", Cassie responded, dangling her legs from the tree branch.

I glanced down toward Malfoy Manor, just a small dark box at the bottom of the hill from our tree. Mine and Cassie's tree. It was our special place that we had found years ago. We had tried to include Draco but he said it was stupid.

I fidgeted with the silver encrusted pen knife in my hand, flicking it open and then closing it again. Narcissa always got us a gift on the first day of summer break. I think she felt bad that all of our birthdays were during the school year. We were fourteen now, just finished third year.

Cassie raised her eyebrows at me. "Are you planning on murdering me? Where did you get that?".

"I stole it from Draco. He was being a dick", I smirked. "I might murder him instead".

"Good. You'd be miserable without me". She shuffled along the branch, leaning back against the tree trunk next to me.

The smile fell from my face. "I already am. You're leaving me for the whole summer".

Cassie rested her head on my shoulder. "I'm sorry. You know I would rather be staying here", she sighed. "I'm sure my mum will get fed up of me and I'll be back in two weeks".

I settled my head above hers, tracing shapes against her knee with my fingers. Cassie would never admit how much her mum hurt her, but I could tell. This would happen every now and again. Her mother would get in touch, with big promises of bonding with her daughter and whisking her away on fancy holidays, only to drop her back at the Malfoy's when something she deemed more interesting came along, not to be heard from for months later. Every time Cassie would get her hopes up, only to be let down again.

Shitty parents. That's something we definitely both had in common.

"My father wrote to me again", I mumbled.

"Again? Are you going to write back this time?".

I shrugged my shoulders.

Cassie sat up, looking into my eyes. "I think you should".

"Why? He's not been interested for fourteen years".

"Because I know you and it will drive you crazy if you don't find out what he's like", she took the pen knife from me, twirling it in her hand. "And anyway, what's the worse that could happen? If he turns out to be a cunt then that just confirms what we already thought".

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