10. insomnia

226 7 4

TW - unwanted sexual advances, violence, blood

"My eyes have always followed you around the room"- Noel Gallagher

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"My eyes have always followed you around the room"
- Noel Gallagher


Lorenzo Berkshire

After what felt three lifetimes, I had finally managed to peel Albertha off of me. Thank Merlin.

I kind of wished she would just piss off. I don't feel anything for her. I don't want anything serious. I never do. I told her it was just sex. Most of the girls I got with understood that, but now and again someone would come along thinking that they could 'fix' me. I had a feeling Albertha was the latter.

I exhaled deeply. Hopefully she would take her time getting a drink.

I made my way over to the railing, scanning the crowd below for the others. All the faces had started to blur into each other, but I finally spotted them. I couldn't help but laugh as I watched Blaise and Onyx have some sort of dance off with each other.

The smile on my face quickly shifted as my eyes wandered over to Cassie and Theo. He had pulled her up on to his shoulders and was currently bouncing around the crowd, her black hair swaying down her back with his movements. His hands were gripped firmly on her legs after nearly dropping her several times. They were both laughing hysterically, even though she looked like she didn't even know what planet she was on.

Cassie and Theo are my two best friends in the world. But I do think that sometimes they lead each other astray. They always managed to end up in a state together. I just think that he encourages her to keep up with him or try the same things as him.

I shook the thought away, knowing that if Cassie could hear me she would tell me to stop worrying about her, that she can look after herself.

But I really wish he wouldn't have his fucking hands all over her all the time. It's crossing the line and he knows it.

I felt someone's hands snake around my chest. Fuck. Here we go.

Albertha grabbed my arm, dragging me back towards the sofa where Draco was still sitting with her friend. She straddled me, trying to press her lips against mine. I couldn't even bring myself to kiss her back, so I just tilted my head back against the couch, allowing her access to my neck. I closed my eyes, hoping time would pass by quicker.

After my fourth lifetime passed, I eventually opened my eyes to see Theo sitting across from me with Katie Bell.

"Where's everyone else?", I questioned him.

He pulled away from Katie. "Blaise and Onyx are shagging somewhere, probably. And some Gryffindor boy is getting Cassie a drink".

I rolled my eyes. "Dean?".

"No", he responded bluntly, irritated that I was asking him to take his attention away from Katie for one second.

"Why would you just leave her with a random boy? Who is it?".

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