4. it's all coming back to me now

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"On the train we swapped seats, you wanted the window and I wanted to look at you"- Mahmoud Darwish

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"On the train we swapped seats, you wanted the window and I wanted to look at you"
- Mahmoud Darwish


Lorenzo Berkshire

"I'm sorry your mum didn't come today Cassie".

"It's fine", she responded bluntly. "I don't care".

I peered over at the girl sat across the train compartment, who had turned her attention towards the passing hills outside. I knew she was lying.

What kind of mother doesn't come to see her daughter off for her first day of school?

"Well, you have me", I grinned, "and Draco. And Theo and Blaise".

Cassie smiled appreciatively, but I could tell it was forced. She twirled her ebony hair between her fingers, her eyes still fixed on the window. "Narcissa says I should try to make friends that are girls".

I frowned and held my hand to my heart, pretending to be offended. "So you're replacing me?".

She finally looked away from the window, a hint of a real smile now growing on her face. "I don't think you would let me get rid of you even if I tried".

"Nope. You're stuck with me".

"Not if you get put in different houses". We turned our attention towards the compartment door, as Draco, the ray of sunshine himself, slinked into the seat next to me, closely followed by Theo and Blaise, who were looking very pleased with themselves, each with an armful of chocolate frogs.

"What do you mean?", Cassie questioned. "It's not like we'll just stop being friends just because we're not wearing the same house colours".

Draco folded his arms smugly across his chest. "Well, if you're not in the same house you won't be in the same common room or all the same classes. You'll barely see each other".

Cassie's eyes met mine at his words. She looked nervous. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel the same. I had lived with Draco my whole life, and Cassie for five years now. I would be lost without them. Even if Draco was a bloody pest most of the time.

"My father says Slytherin is the only house worth being in", Draco continued. "Maybe Ravenclaw if you're smart. Gryffindor and Hufflepuff are for mudbloods".

The rest of us rolled our eyes. "I hope you're not going to say stuff like that at Hogwarts. We don't want everyone to think we agree with you", Cassie snapped.

Just as Draco opened his mouth to respond, one of Theo's chocolate frogs jumped out of the box and landed smack in the middle of his forehead, making him squeak like a mouse. Our compartment roared with laughter, the tension from Draco's horrible words disappearing a little bit.

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