Welcome Back to Hogwarts

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"Watch out, Riddle" hissed a tall, handsome blonde as he pushed past my shoulder. The platform was busy with Hogwarts students; first years running through the crowds, giddy to find out which house they'd be put in. I expected a few pushes and shoves here and there with the bustling crowds on the narrow platform at Hogsmeade station, but being pushed out of the way by Malfoy? I didn't think so.

"Excuse me?" I snapped as he strutted ahead of me, wand and newspaper in his hand. "Did you not hear me?" He sneered while turning to face me, "no no, I heard you. I was just correcting you as to what you should've said. Manners cost nothing Malfoy, and I'm sure you could afford them if they cost anyway..." I replied, looking him straight into his mesmerising, piercing grey eyes. I tried to keep it together but I could feel my cheeks beginning to redden as the seconds passed. 

I felt his wand press underneath my chin causing my head to jolt back slightly, "watch your mouth, darling. We wouldn't want you saying the wrong thing to the wrong person now, would we?" He said, and half whispering with his usual arrogant smirk plastered across his face. "Ezra!" I shouted while holding his gaze, my lips forming into a smirk matching Draco's arrogance. He lunged even closer grabbing the back of my neck forcing my head further back, his mouth moving closer to my ear whilst whispering harshly "don't you dare get your little boyfriend involved, I won't tell you again". I smiled as he stepped back, turning on his heels and walking swiftly away.

"You called?" Said Ezra from behind me carrying our trunks. I turned to face him still smiling while talking, "nothing, it doesn't matter. Thank you though. Come on then you, let's go." I could tell from the first second from getting off the Hogwarts express, this year was going to be eventful to say the least.

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