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A few weeks later, McGonagal summoned all returning students to the great hall after breakfast.

I was so elated that morning since Pansy had decided to swap dorms with Draco, she said that she'd be more than happy to share a dorm with Ezra and Blaise if it meant Draco and I kept our hands off each other in public, which I wasn't against. So after spending the night with him, I was feeling rather happy with myself.

Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Ezra and I all walked into the hall together and Draco and I took a seat next to each other. Ezra shot me a confused look, probably wondering why we weren't snapping at each other for once. Pansy saw Ezras face and decided to squeeze in between the two of us to momentarily stop any more suspicions.
Pansy had told Ezra that her and I had argued about space and she was wanting to move dorms and Draco offered to swap.
Draco had told Blaise that nothing had happened between us since that first night back at the castle. Hopefully this would keep them off the scent for a little while longer.

McGonagal stood at the front of the hall once all returning students had arrived. She cleared her throat and said "Welcome all. I have a small announcement to make. Although we are already four and a half weeks into the term, we have some new students joining us. Griffindor will welcome Mason Lockwood and Orla Snipe. Ravenclaw will welcome Lucy Noble. Jessica McManus will be joining Hufflepuff and joining Slytherin is Lana Roebuck, Graham Montegue and Daphne Greengrass. All take your seats at your respective house tables please. Enjoy the rest of your day and welcome back." And with that she transformed into her animagus and sauntered away.

Great. If having Monetgue back wasn't bad enough, Greengrass had decided to join him. McGonagal had only said Daphne, what about Astoria?
Mason and Orla were completely insufferable, conceited know it all's whose personalities consisted of the fact that they thought Griffindor was 'superior', a load of shit if you ask me.
Lucy was lovely as was Jessica, although once Harry had told them who I was they wouldn't look in my direction ever again.
Lana tended to stay out of the way of the rest of us Slytherins, she was quiet but pleasant from what I could tell.
Then there was Graham, him and Draco used to be at each others necks about quidditch because Graham was constantly bubbling with jealousy that Draco got chosen as seeker and not him. He was arrogant, yes Draco was one of the most arrogant people I had ever met but Montegue was a different level.
Daphne. Well she was always the shit stirer of the year. Hopefully she'd grown out of that since leaving school, but then again I don't think we'd be so lucky. Her sister Astoria was a complete nightmare as well but she wasn't back, how come?

The 3 new Slytherins took a seat at the table and began to talk to us, meanwhile I could feel the look of dread that Draco had just shot me. I reciprocated his look of sheer horror but continued the conversation nonetheless. "Where's Astoria anyway Daph?" Asked Pansy, she didn't really care but I guess it was polite to ask right? Wrong. Daphnes face dropped. "Oh. Erm, she erm...she passed away. Not too long ago actually. A blood curse. Whether I have it I don't know, im sure we'll find out if I drop dead though won't we!" And silence fell. Fuck me Pansy, what a way to put your foot in it. "Shit Daph... I'm so sorry. I always had a soft spot for Astoria" Draco muttered.

Now I know Draco and Astoria had a thing back in 5th year when Harry and I were close but I never knew there were actual feelings involved. Back then Draco had quite the reputation with girls and I thought she was just another notch on his bedpost, obviously I thought wrong.

"Will you excuse me for a minute? Sorry." Draco said, almost running from the table. What the fuck Dray? What do I do? If I follow him I'll be asked all sorts of unwanted questions and I wasn't really feeling telling the whole great hall about mine and Dracos relationship.

"Go on students. Back to lessons!" Shouted a voice from the front. McGonagal had seen Draco run out of the hall and must have thought it best that the rest of us should be on our way too.

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