Defence Against the Dark Arts

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Our first lesson was Defence Against the Dark Arts, my favourite lesson. I've always enjoyed DADA because of the way I was brought up.

Learning dark magic from a young age made it easier to understand defending them, but after the war defensive spells were hardly needed. Obviously there were still a few dodgy characters about, especially in Nockturn Alley, but nowhere near to the extent that is was before.

I walked into the classroom and took my seat at the far right hand side at the front to keep out distractions and make the most of the lesson. The classroom started to fill up and one space was left next to me.

Class was about 10 minutes in when the door swung open and Harry came walking briskly in. "Take a seat please Mr Potter. There's a seat free next to Miss Riddle." Sweetly said Professor Tyren gesturing towards the seat at my desk.
Great. Absolutely brilliant. Harry Potter had to sit next to me for the next 50 minutes. I swear if this man gives me any shit I will hex him; although I have become a new person over the past few years, I'm not standing for people walking all over me anymore.

Harry pulled out his seat and slumped down next to me, pulling his textbook out of his backpack. I felt his emerald green eyes piercing into the side of my face while taking notes.
"Do I have something on my face?" I spat sharply, his eyes widening as he realised I'd noticed him staring at me. "Draco. Seriously y/n? Out of everyone after me you go for Draco?" He whispered aggressively as I turned to meet his gaze.
"Harry no offence but what the fuck has it got to do with you? You've not spoken a word to me in years and and you expect me not to move on?" I snapped. Why now? After all this time, why did he think I'd still have feelings for him?

When Harry and I first met my surname wasn't Riddle, it was Smith. I'd been known as Y/n Smith ever since I started Hogwarts since Voldemort didn't want anyone knowing who my guardian was. It was only after the war I decided to take on my adopted name, I can't forget my past so why should I hide it? Of course it comes with its drawbacks and disadvantages, the constant looks from certain witches and wizards and whispers when they find out who I am can take it's toll, but running from who I really am won't change anything.

Anyway, Harry didn't know who I was and at that time my father had such a heavy influence on me. Harry was the one who made me see that Voldemort and his followers were wrong. I'd been so brainwashed into thinking that the dark Lord was right and what he said was gospel, that I never thought how it made other people feel and the impact that the dark side had on peoples lives. Harry made me see that my parents were killed in cold blood and it could be stopped by taking him down. I eventually told Harry the whole story because I couldn't keep it to myself anymore, it was eating me up from the inside. Once I told him he never spoke to me again, until now.

"I thought you'd be in Azkaban that's why I came back. I thought... I hoped that you wouldn't be back, but here you are." Harry replied quickly. I'm not doing this, not again. I got up from my seat and packed my things into my bag. "Excuse me Professor, I can't stay in this lesson any longer, somethings making me feel sick. I'll catch up with work later" and I left the room.

"Y/n! Wait!" I heard a familiar voice call down the stone cold corridor. I turned around rapidly, my long hair blowing in the blistering wind and my robes hanging loosely on my body. My eyes were filled with tears and I tried to swallow them back until I laid my eyes on him.
It was Draco, the only person that I wanted to see right now.
I dropped my bag on the paved floor and ran towards him as if I was running for my life. When I reached him I flung my arms around his neck and embraced him into a tight hug, nuzzling my face into his neck while tears streamed from my face.
"Come on my love, let's go somewhere that we can talk" he said softly, calming me down almost instantly.

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