The Final Battle

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Four days later I woke early with a start. 3.21am. It was dark. Pitch black in fact.

A loud bang coming from outside of our dorm room, almost like knocking? I nudged Draco to wake him up, he sat up quickly and whispered "lumos." A bright light filled the room as we both stood to get dressed.
The knocking came harder, faster and louder, making the two of us incredibly uneasy. We rushed to get dressed, I approached the door and opened it cautiously... "Harry?! What are you doing here?" I shouted in a loud whisper. "Y/n, Draco, he's here. The dark mark has appeared over the forbidden forest." Oh fuck, this is it.

Draco, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Pansy, Blaise, Ezra and I all rapidly approached the forbidden forest. Each of us had our wands pointed forwards, ready for anyone that came to attack us. We reached a dark and dismal clearing in the forest and there stood Lucius, holding what looked like a large pile of black rags. Fog settled on the ground, the sky empty and starless. It was dark. Pitch black in fact.

Lucius looked worse than he did the last time I saw him, like the life had been drained out of him. It all happened so fast as I saw Draco run past all of us towards his father, wand pointed forward but Lucius was quicker to act. "Crucio!" Shouted Lucius menacingly, as he brought the blankets up closer to his chest.

He walked and stood over Dracos writhing body and coldly said "do you really think that I would let you marry this filthy half breed? Soil our bloodline in one swoop? I'd rather die than let that happen." "So be it" shouted Blaise as he drew his wand but Lucius was quicker again. He let out a loud malicious laugh, "toy soldiers, all of you!"

I lowly waved my wand and stopped the cruciatus curse on both Blaise and Draco. I turned to Harry and snatched the first potion out of his hand, drank it swiftly and I dropped to the floor, my heart stopping in an instant.

Dracos pov-

I stood and saw Y/n lying on the ground. What has she done?! I ran over as fast as I could and checked her pulse, nothing. Absolutely nothing. She was cold, how could she have gone so cold so fast?

My attention was turned to my father once again as I heard a loud thud. The blankets that had been held onto so tightly had hit the floor. "Draco, she's dead. This is your last chance. Come with me and we can resurrect the dark Lord, together" my father pleaded. "Why would I do that? Why would I help you?! You've killed her! The only person that could have saved us all, and you killed her!" I screamed as I dropped to my knees.

My whole life had gone when she did. I had nothing left to fight for now but her memory. "She never loved you Draco, look" he said as he waved his wand, black smoke leaving it as it moved. Suddenly, a sickening image appeared in the sky. Y/n and Harry, kissing. "I'm still in love with you! I always have been and since I saw you on the first day back I knew I loved you" Harry's words ringing in my ears. "Draco! Don't listen! I do- I do love her but nothing happened, she loves you! Not me, you!" Yelled Harry. I marched over to Harry, pulled him in by his jumper and pushed him to the ground. "That's it Draco. A true Malfoy. Finish him off" goaded my father. I turned in the spot and faced my father.

That's when it clicked, he wanted me to believe this shit. She'd never do that to me, ever. The ring on her finger proved that. I slowly walked over to my father, pulled out my wand and said "expelliarmus" and his wand flew to me and I caught it. I snapped his wand into two and seethed through my teeth "I am nothing like you. But then again, maybe I am...avadakedavra" and a bright green light shot out of my wand. It wasn't pointed at my father, it was pointless at the black cloths laid on the floor. They burst into flames and a small body was left laying bare on the floor. It was him. The dark Lord, reduced to that... thing. Once the most powerful wizard alive was dead on the floor of the forbidden forest.

I was too focused on the body on the floor to notice the others laid on the floor. All of their bodies writhing around in pain, except for one. Ezra. My dad had killed him. Y/n's best friend killed by my father. I waved my wand to stop the torture, but before I could hex my father the aurors apparated in front of me. A green light shot towards my father and he slowly dropped to the floor. I have no one left. Not a soul. Of course I have my mother but how do I know he didn't get to her first? I have no one.

I gasped so loudly like I hadn't taken a breath in years. I sat up and licked my lips to taste a bitter liquid lingering on them. I opened my eyes and saw Harry knelt in front of me, a huge smile spread across his face. "We did it Y/n. He's dead."

Although I was finally out of my 'fathers' claws, my eyes wondered to look for him.
For Draco.
My eyes landed on the back of his head. He was knelt on the ground with his head in his hands. I heard faint sobs coming from him. Pansy, Ron, Hermione, Harry and Blaise all stood over something.
Where's Ezra? Never mind that, he'll be fine.

I walked behind Draco, touched his shoulder and said "Dray?" Before I could continue he turned, stood and squeezed me so tight I thought he was going to break me. He sobbed and sobbed while kissing the top of my head. "Wh-what happened?" I asked, pulling away to look up at Draco. "Y/n...I-I'm so sorry. I wasn't quick enough to save him." I looked around, I'd never been anywhere so dark.

I stood and walked to where the others were. Ezras body lay on the floor. I dropped to the ground and hugged him. I always knew he'd follow me to the end, but I didn't think this would be how it would end. I sobbed, screamed, cried. I did this. This was all my fault.

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