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Draco and I spent the rest of Christmas break and the whole of January and February under the protection of Professor McGonagal and the aurors. The aurors had been placed at every single entrance of the castle, searching each end every student and teacher to enter the grounds. It felt just like it did before.

Once all the students had returned, I immediately called a meeting in the room of requirement with Ezra, Pansy, Blaise, Lana, Daphne, Graham and most importantly Ron, Hermione and Harry. I told them everything that had happened, from me finding out I'm a horcrux to what happened at the manor. "Fuck. What the fuck Y/n? Why didn't you tell us?" Said Pansy, clearly pissed off that I hadn't told her. "Erm Pans, sorry to be a bitch but not everything is about you" snapped Ezra. This isn't how I expected it to go. I expected a whole 'go team we can do this' speech with high-fives all round. At least that's what I'd hoped for. I stood there with my mouth agape in pure disbelief, "thanks for your help. I tell you that our lives are literally in danger and you make it about yourselves. Nice one." I spat as I spun round to leave the room. Draco grabbed my forearm and I felt someone grab my shoulder, I turned and looked and saw Harrys hand on my shoulder. "We'll get him Y/n" said Harry. "Together, all of us" said Draco, "yes?" Draco snapped at the rest of the group searching for an answer. There were muffled responses from some people in the room. What surprised me the most is that Daphne, Lana and Graham hadn't said a word.

Pansy, Blaise and Ezra would follow me until the end, even though they didn't seem too excited about the prospect of having to fight you know who again but I knew they always had my back. If Harry had my back then so did Ron and Hermione. "Montegue? Roebuck?" Asked Draco, "come on! For fuck sake! Greengrass?!" Draco shouted angrily. I grabbed his hand and lent my head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry. I... we can't do this" gestured Lana to Graham. "Okay. I understand." I said quietly while pulling out my wand. I approached the two of them, wand raised and whispered "obliviate." Lana and Graham's faces went blank, I turned them both round and ushered them out of the room. I closed the door behind them and turned around the face the group and saw horror spread across Daphne, Ron and Hermiones faces.

"You obliviated them?! Y/n you evil cow!" Screamed Daphne. "What? And you have a better idea?! Daphne wake up! Do you think I would've allowed them to leave this room knowing the dark Lord is back?! Graham has a big mouth as it is never mind when it's something as important as this!" I shouted equally as loudly. She walked towards me trying to intimidate me, her wand pushed into my stomach. "Do it. I know you want to" I goaded Daphne to hex me. Before I knew it she shouted "stupify" and I went flying across the room. Before I could stand up, I raised my wand and chanted "sectum sempra" and Daphne dropped to the floor. I stood, walked over to her and saw cuts all over her body. I don't know what happened to me but I saw red. I towered over her and whispered "next time I'll kill you. Got it?" As I turned to walk away she muttered "you're just like your father." I dropped my wand and walked out of the room, trying to keep myself together.

Five minutes passed and the rest of them left the room of requirement. Daphne skipped off, not a cut on her body as she cheered "see ya Draco!"

Draco looked angry. I'd never seen him so frustrated. Harry, Ron and Hermione gave me a reassuring smile and walked away. Harry slipped my wand and a note in my pocket without the others realising before the three of them disappeared around the corner.
Blaise, Ezra and Pansy walked in the opposite direction towards our common room.

I pulled out the small piece of parchment Harry had put into my pocket.
My eyes scanned the scruffy handwriting that read "astronomy tower at 9pm. Don't be late." Draco approached and I frantically stuffed the paper into my robe pocket.

Draco pushed me by the small of my back into a near by broom cupboard. "Dray, I-" but before I could finish my sentence Draco's lips crashed into mine. He pulled me into a deep, emotional kiss and I could feel his tears run down both of our faces. "I love you so much darling but you can't let your emotions get the better of you like that. You could've killed her Y/n. What then? What would I do without you? I can't do this without you. I can't live without you Y/n and-" "Draco, stop. You don't have to live without me, you never will. I'm sorry, I just felt so angry. I saw red... how did you get her back to normal? What happened?" I questioned Draco, how did he do it? "Ahhh, it's a secret" he said while throwing me a wink, his hands rubbing up and down my waist. "Haha very funny" I sarcastically replied, "seriously though, how?" "Well, having had Snape as the head of house has its advantages. He fixed me up when Harry attacked me in sixth year." That makes sense. Merlin, that was so long ago. It feels like a lifetime ago. "I had to obliviate her, obviously" Draco spat, a hint of displeasure in his voice. "Draco you know why I had to obliviate the others, what would you have done in my situation?" I raised my voice in frustration. "Sweetheart I'm not blaming you, I would've don't the same. It's them I'm annoyed at. After all these years and after everything I thought they would've had our backs, bloody Potter has your back more than them fuckers. Who would've thought ey?" He said pulling me into a tight hug. "As long as we've got each other we've got everything, okay?" I assured to Draco. He pulled away and nodded sincerely. I wanted to tell him about Harry's note but in the same sense I wanted to do at least some of this on my own if that makes sense? It was my mess and I needed to fix it.

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