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June the 15th. Our last day.

The future stood before us, yet neither me or Draco knew what we wanted to do with our lives. Except spending each second together, but how would we live? How would we make a living?
So many questions lay ahead, but I felt positive.

Draco and I had both achieved Exceeds Expectations in each subject of our N.E.W.T's. Considering the absolutely chaotic year we had been through, our grades definitely didn't reflect that. Maybe we both would've achieved Outstanding grades if the year's situation hadn't transpired; but hindsight does no one any good.

The Hogwarts express pulled into Kings Cross station, as it did every year before, but this time it was more final. This was the last time we'd ever be on this train. A new start in life was waiting for Draco and I, a complete fresh slate.
Draco, Blaise, Pansy and I grabbed our trunks, left the compartment and stepped onto the plat form for the final time.

"Promise you'll both write? I mean I'm sure we'll see each other soon, but I want to know every detail!" Grinned Pansy, excitement gleaming through her words. She was going to spend the summer with Blaise in France; being a Parkinson, her family had an estate in nearly every country in the world.
"Of course we will! What we'll write about I don't know but I suppose that makes it more exciting, right?" I reply. Feeling nervous, excited, apprehensive, thrilled- so many emotions. Our plans hung in the balance, how spontaneous.

Draco shook Blaise's hand and gave Pansy a hug. I gave Pansy a hug and then the same with Blaise. Tears filled my eyes, why was I acting like this? Maybe it was the relief that all this was finally over, or the realisation that I'll never be this young again, or that I won't be seeing my best friends every single day. Whatever it was, the emotions came bubbling to the surface as Draco and I turned away from the platform, walked through the wall and landed in muggle London.

I suppose we all took the Hogwarts express for a bit of nostalgia, so when we reached muggle London I felt like I was 11 years old again. Standing on platform 9 and 3 quarters with my father's staff, standing next to Draco as always.

Narcissa stood before us and opened her arms to the both of us and pulled us into a tight embrace. "Come, you two, there's a car waiting for us out front." She spoke, quietly and happily. This was the first time I'd seen her since Lucius died. I was expecting her to look somewhat grief stricken, but she looked almost...refreshed? Like she'd had a new lease of life since that fateful night, and to say that I could blame her would be a lie. She looked radiant, exuding a sense of calm that I'd never seen from her before. She was free.

We reached the Malfoy Manor and Draco and I retired to our bedroom. We embraced each other on the soft velvety bed, breathed in his scent and exhaled deeply, releasing any pent up stress and anxiety. This was us, me and him for the rest of our lives. Forever, he is all mine.

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