Malfoy Manor

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Christmas break had finally come. I was so desperate to be away from this place, even if it is only for 2 weeks. School had become tedious and monotonous, lessons began to drag and my attention span began to dwindle.

I packed my trunk and suddenly butterflies began to grow in my stomach.
Why was I so nervous?

I'd met Narcissa countless times and despite my blood status she seemed to love me, but this time was different.
I was meeting her for the first time as Dracos fiancé. What if she didn't approve? I know how highly Draco thinks of his mother, if she told him to jump he'd ask how high- that's the sort of respect and adoration he had for her. 
What if I didn't meet her standards?

"Are you ready my love? Is everything alright?" Draco asked with concern lingering in his words. I picked up my trunk, spun around and forced a smile to try and rid him of his concern.
He took my trunk from me, kissed me on the forehead and said "it'll all be okay you know? You don't need to be nervous, I've got you."
He could read me like a book, he always knows how I'm feeling and I don't have a clue how he does it. We left our dorm and walked out of the castle.

We reached the edge of the grounds, I took his arm and we apparated to the gates of the Malfoy Manor.

We stood at the top of the long driveway facing the enormous gates that surrounded the building. Rose bushes around 10 feet tall lined the driveway, cobbles lay the path to the double doors at the front of the house and fog filled the air. The manor was imposing and dark, the atmosphere around the perimeter of the building was devoid of any emotion. It was grand and intimidating, from the outside it looked like no one lived there except for an orange light emitting from a ground floor window mad me think otherwise.

Draco took my hand, waved his wand to wordlessly open the gate and began to walk me toward his home.
I took a deep breath and gulped down my feelings trying to hide my nerves.
Draco waved his wand again and the large double doors swung open in front of us. We walked in, the doors shut behind us and a small house elf appeared in front of us. "Master Malfoy, Grub welcomes you home. Mistress told Grub that we are expecting a guest to be staying with us- is this she, Master?" Asked the small grey house elf.
"Pleased to meet you, Grub. I'm Riddle, Y/n Riddle." I reached out to shake his tiny hand but instead he smiled at me and stuttered "ah, Miss R-R-Riddle. Grub is...pleased to make your acquaintance" and with that he ran away. "That was...odd" I exclaimed to Draco. "He's an odd little elf, I think your name has intimidated him to be honest."

Ah, my name precedes my reputation still. Great. I let out a loud huff and took my trunk. "Where should I put this?" I asked. Grub reappeared in front of us and frantically said "Grub apologises for being rude. Grub will take your trunks Miss Riddle and Master Malfoy." He carefully balanced our trunks on top of his head, trying desperately not to tipple over and drop our things. "Thank you Grub" said Draco, taking my hand in his and saying "let's go and find mother shall we?" I nodded reluctantly and explained "Dray what if she doesn't like me? What if I'm not good enough?" He chuckled lightly and kissed me on the forehead, "darling, she loves you. She's known you for years and quite honestly she thinks that you're the only girl in the world that is good enough for me." "How do you know that though?" I asked him with distain in my voice. "Because, Mrs Malfoy, I asked for her blessing before I proposed. Apart from yours, I take her opinion over anyones so I had to ask. I love you Y/n, and she loves you too." A huge smile spread across my face as tears began to fill my eyes. I nodded, kissed him on the cheek and allowed him to show me the way to the living room.

His mother was sat reading in a brown armchair in front of the roaring fire. She must have heard us enter the room because she slowly closed her book, placed it on the coffee table in front of her and turned around the face us with a beaming smile.

I'd forgotten how beautiful she is, she lit up the room with her endearing smile. Her frame petite and delicate, her luscious long locks of blonde and black hair cascaded over her shoulders. She wore a long black dress with an emerald robe that sat perfectly on her small shoulders.

She walked over to Draco and placed a light, loving kiss on his cheek. She took his hand in hers and said "Draco you get more handsome every time I see you." Draco blushed at her words and said "thank you mother, you look well. Mother, erm, you remember Y/n don't you?" He gestured towards me with his head, his free hand resting on my lower back slowly guiding me forwards. "Narcissa, lovely to see you again" I said as I leaned forward to greet her with a kiss on her cheek.
Before I could do so, she had grabbed me into a tight hug, squeezing me tightly. She pulled away, placed a kiss on my cheek and excitedly said "how nice to see you again love! Come on then, show me the ring!" I held out my left hand in front of us both to show off my beautiful engagement ring to her.
She took my hand and inspected the ring closely and in great detail. Her beaming smile began to grow and she squealed "Draco, I knew I'd taught you well" and she threw a wink his way. Draco and I both laughed light heartedly and made our way over to the brown settee.

As soon as we took our seats, Grub appeared in front of us with a steaming hot pot of tea and two china tea cups. He placed them on the table, wagged his finger at the porcelain tea pot and the tea began to pour itself out of the pot and into our cups.

After a couple of hours of chatting with Narcissa, it had reached around 11pm. I began yawning and I felt my eyes drooping in the dimly lit living room. The fire crackling away soothed the millions of thoughts swirling my mind and I began to drift off.

Before noticing, I had woken up in a bedroom filled with candle light. I turned over and saw Draco fast asleep next to me. I looked out of the large floor length window to the left of the bed, it was snowing. It was Christmas, everything was good.

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