We have to go to the Ministry

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We had to tell people. We had no choice.

The next morning Draco and I went to McGonagals office and told her what we saw. "Well... you two, thanks for telling me. I'll inform the Ministry." "No!" We both shouted in unison.

"But Malfoy, Riddle, if he's back, we need to let someone know. They can help" pleaded McGonagal. "Professor, if my father is back then he's after me. Harry defeated him with just students, then we can do that again. I don't want everyone involved this time. I can't do that to anyone, not again. If he's back then he's weak. I can defeat him on my own." I said. "Not on your own Y/n, I said I'll be with you until the end and that's a promise" said Draco, taking my hand in his. "This is all very touching, but what do we do?" Said the professor, her voice cracking with anxiety. "Keep quiet, keep everyone else calm and stop him ourselves. It's the only way." I confirmed.
"Okay Riddle, if that's what you think is best." And with that Draco and I left the headmasters office.

We walked to our dorm and sat on the bed. "Sooo... what are your plans for Christmas break?" Draco asked me nervously. "Erm, I've not really thought to be honest."

Now for the past 3 years I'd been living in Grimauld Place. I had nowhere to go after the war and I knew Grimauld Place was vacant, after all the Black house was revered by all pure bloods including my father so, as stupid as it sounds, I thought I'd be safe there.
I recently learnt that Regulus Black was to be made my godfather before he passed. My birth parents were close to Regulus even though they were 'mudbloods', hopefully Regulus would've welcomed me with open arms if he was still alive. But it was cold and lonely there.
A big house to myself when I worked a minimum wage muggle job was hard to maintain. I didn't want to go back.

"Well, how would you feel if I asked you to come back to the manor with me? It's only me and my mother now and it's pretty quiet and peaceful and-" I cut Draco off. "Dray, I'd love to come and stay with you over Christmas. Thank you." I said while throwing my arms around him and throwing him against the bed. He tightly wrapped his arms around me and began to kiss me intensely, our lips moving against each other and our tongues eagerly exploring each others mouths.

He pulled away, thought for a moment and said "now this might sound crazy, and tell me if it does, but... but would you want to maybe, erm... live there? With me?" I looked at him, trying to comprehend his question, a million thoughts swirling around my brain. "Shit, I knew I shouldn't have said anything. I'm such a fucking idiot" he groaned as he sat up and turned to sit with his legs off the bed and his head in his hands.

I kneeled up and hugged him from behind, nestling my face into the crook of his neck while giving him a light kiss on his neck. "Draco, I...I'd love to. Thank you so much. Do you really want me to live with you though? Will I not get in the way? Won't your mother mind?" I had a so many questions but I was so excited, the man I love has asked me to move in with him. "Baby I wouldn't have asked if I didn't mean it. We live with each other here so what's the difference at the manor? I want to be with you every second that I can be. And as for my mother, well she's been lonely for years I'm sure she'd be more than happy to have us around." He turned, picked me up with his big strong arms and spun me round so I was sat on his lap. "We will have the same last name one day y/n, I promise. Then everything that is mine will be yours too. I know you've not had the best start in life but I swear that I will make the rest of it the best that I can."

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