Friday 13th

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It was 3 weeks after he died. April the 13th, a Friday afternoon.

The rain poured and poured. The whole school, including the professors stood on the hill that overlooked Hogwarts. The grey sky and bitter cold wind signified exactly how I felt that day. The day of my best friends funeral. The man who was supposed to walk me down the aisle. He had no family so the school and I were really the only people he had, that's why we had to bury him on school grounds.

Draco, Blaise, Pansy and I stood at the front of the congregation with McGonagall. Draco and I held hands as did Blaise and Pansy. The four of us in complete silence throughout the whole service. Even if I could speak what would I say? The guilt was eating me alive- "I'm sorry for putting you in the firing line to defeat my father but we did it so I guess your death is for the greater good. Hooray!" I highly doubt those words would be appropriate.

A few professors gave eulogies, babbling on about how much of a good student he was, how he was the life and soul of the party. These teachers hadn't seen him in 3 years, let alone spent more than one hour at a time with him that wasn't in lessons. Students sobbed, especially Ezras little fan club of third year girls that would swoon every time he walked past, bless.

There was no wake, none of us felt like celebrating. He was too young, too full of life when he died, it just wasn't fitting.

After the service everyone went back to school and had the rest of the day off in mourning. The rest of the students were sad yes, but the four of us and the professors that taught Ezra were distraught. A minutes silence was held before our evening meal. The rest of the students chatted as usual afterwards but the four of us sat in silence. Lana, Graham and Daphne tried to talk to us but were ultimately unable to spark any sort of communication between us.

We made our way to the common room after dinner and decided to have a toast to Ezra and his memory, in private. "To Ezra, the life and soul of the party. He'll never be forgotten, we promise Ez" announced Blaise, raising his glass of fire whiskey in the air. "To Ezra" Draco, Pansy and I said in unison, all raising our glasses to Ezra. Draco sat on one of the green armchairs and pulled me onto his lap, one hand delicately placed on my hip and the other hand on one of my thighs. Blaise and Pansy sat on the leather sofa and moments later Lana, Graham and Daphne entered the room.

"Can-can we join you? Would that be okay?" Stammered Lana. "Free country" said Blaise nonchalantly, clearly unimpressed by their presence. "Look Riddle, we don't know what happened and quite frankly we don't want to, it must've been awful. But Ezra was our friend too, he wouldn't want us fighting like this would he?" Asked Montegue, pouring himself a fire whiskey. "Take a seat, all of you. Today isn't the day for arguing" agreed Draco. He was right, they both were. Ezra wouldn't want us all arguing. He'd want us to get drunk, laugh, cry and remember him for the amazing person he was, not argue over something that the three of them don't even remember.

After an emotional evening, Draco and I were the last two in the common room. The rest had slunk away at some point throughout the evening and Draco and I hadn't really noticed.
We sat watching the mesmerising moonlight dancing on the black lake. I lay in his arms as we both cuddle up together on the sofa, breathing in each others presence.
Although the day we'd just scraped through was one of the most difficult days we had ever experienced, I felt so at ease in Dracos arms.
Love exuded from him whenever I was around.

We did it. We finally got rid of my father for once and for all. We've nearly graduated our N.E.W.Ts. We had each other, finally.

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