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I decided to have a shower to wash away the stress of the day. I walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind me and began to undress.

The bathrooms of the Slytherin dorms are as stunning as I remember- forest green tiles covered the walls, ceiling and floors, a white porcelain toilet, bath and sink with shiny brass handles, a full length mirror decorated around the outside with a brass coloured snake and a walk in waterfall shower sectioned off by a glass partition.

I turned on the shower and felt the steam hit my face. I folded up my clothes and placed them on the floor, took my hair out of the tight ponytail it had been tied up in and shook my head to release my long locks from being tightly wrapped.
I stepped into the shower and the warm water adorned my body, I felt so relaxed in the warmth of the steam and the water.
I pumped out my vanilla scented body wash and carefully rubbed my whole body clean. The smell of vanilla filled my nostrils and I wanted to stay in the warmth forever.
Cinnamon scented shampoo and conditioner had been combed through my hair as I was just about to finish up. I turned to twist the brass handle to turn off the shower and that's when I noticed Draco sat on the bathroom floor watching me. Just watching. His deep grey eyes looking intently at my figure, not daring to move from my body.

He was sat knees up and feet planted on the floor, his hands in the pockets of his grey tracksuit bottoms and his chest left bare. Fuck, this man made me feel things I've never felt before.

"I just came in to brush my teeth but I couldn't resist the show" he said while smirking, clearly enjoying what he was watching.
He stood up and started to walk towards me as he began to remove his trousers, revealing his long hard length that had been concealed by them.

I was about to turn off the shower when he grabbed my hand to stop me. "I like it wet, keep it on." The innuendo sent butterflies coursing through my whole body.
The anticipation of what was about to come was killing me on the inside but on the outside I kept calm; moving my hands from the handle to his chest while staring deeply into his eyes. He roughly took hold of my neck and pushed me back onto the wall, I gasped as the cold tiles hit my skin. "You're mine, not Potters, no one else's, all fucking mine. Have you got that?" He growled harshly through gritted teeth.

Clearly today had made him realise how much he wants me. In all honesty I thought it might have done the opposite but luckily it hadn't.

I nodded in reply to his question. He obviously found my reply rather amusing when he let out a low, slow laugh at my response. "Good girl. Now use your words for me, do you understand?" "Yes" I quietly replied. "Yes what?" His question confused me, did he want me to call him by his name? "Yes, Draco" I said, my reply wasn't appreciated though. His hand tightened around my throat and he slapped my thigh, "yes what?" He asked again, this time with much more urgency. "Yes... sir." That was the right answer. He let out a breathy groan, tipping his head back, keeping one hand around my throat and the other above my head resting on the wall. He moved his head back down to look at me, "that's right Princess. Now turn around and I'm going to fuck you like you've never been fucked before, got it?" I was so ready for him, I'd never been so ready for anyone before.

I nodded and turned around, he kept a firm grip on the back of my neck and used his other hand to guide his cock into my opening.

"Oh fuck" he spat quietly while forcing his first thrust into me as I also let out a loud high pitched gasp. His other hand moved upwards and grasped my hair into a fist as he slowly pumped in and out of me, hitting my g spot with each and every motion. He picked up speed and roughly fucked me. I couldn't keep quiet and all my moans left my body loudly- each and every moan belonged to him. His hard dick filled me up and my pussy clenched around him letting him know how much I loved him being inside me. "Mmm that's right baby, take my dick like the good little slut that you are."

He removed his hand from my hair and reach around to my front. He kicked my legs apart slightly, he then continued to part my lips with his ring finger and index finger and began to lightly trace my clit with his middle finger.

His touch was so light that my whole body began to shake with sensitivity, the contrast between how rough he was fucking me and how gently he touched my clit was absolutely insane.

I couldn't take it anymore, my throbbing heat began to pulse around him and he knew I was about to cum. He leaned his head into the crook of my neck and whispered "cum on me, cum on my dick you little whore. Cum for me and show me how much you love me." He began to press harder on my clit with his finger and I released my orgasm all over him. I'd never orgasmed like this before and I felt a hot liquid squirt out of me. I screamed while he continued fucking me through my high and my legs began to shake violently. He slowed his thrusts and moved both of his hands to my hips to steady me, my orgasm had made me so weak that I thought my legs would give out. With each and every thrust I could feel his length begin to twitch and each stroke became sloppier.
His torso collided with mine as he moved his face closer to my ear once more. "I want to cum inside you my love, let me breed you" he sighed into my ear and I nodded my head. "Yes sir. Please cum for me, cum inside me." "Such a needy little fucking girl" and with his words he thrusted into me once more and released his cum deep into my pussy. His words, his movements and the heat from his dick and orgasm made me cum once more. He fucked us both through our highs, both of us letting out loud moans and breathy gasps.

He stood me up from leaning against the wall and pulled my body against his.
His hands lightly tracing the shape of my nipples, breathing heavily into my ear and planting kisses on my neck.
"My good girl. I love you so fucking much y/n, you're all mine." "I love you too Dray."

He cleaned me down gently and tenderly, turned off the shower, picked me up so I was straddling his stomach and he walked me back into our bedroom. He lay us both down on my double bed and we fell asleep in each others arms.

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